in 1941 The Revenue mine operated only the first part of 1941 but ranked
third in lode gold output in the district. Among other lode mines making
sizable production iii 1941 were the Madisonian, Heleene, New York Belle,
and Emperor. Nearly the entire placer output from the district in 1941 came
from the operation of & bucket dredge on the Norwegian Placer by Homer
Wilson. The dredge is equipped with 5-cubic foot buckets and washed 150,000
cubu, yards of gravel, from which 1,490 ounces of fine gold were recovered—a
slight increase over 1940
 Pony distrwt —The output of the Pony district decreased sharply in
i~?41 from 1940, owing chiefly to mactivity of the Atlantu~-Pacific group
The bulk of the output in 1941 came from the Mammoth mme, from which 17,585
tons of gold ore were concentrated, making copper concentrates containing
3,460 ounces of gold, 5,646 ounces of silver, and 80,353 pounds of copper
Among the other producers in the district were the Boss Tweed & Clipper
and Ridgeway mmes A little placer gold was recovered by sluicing
Renova district — The West Mayflower mme, owned and opeiated by the
Anaconda Copper Mining Co, was again the largest gold producer in Montana,
in 1941 it produced 19,166 tons of gold ore shipped crude to Washoe and containing
19,760 ounces of gold and 135,026 ounces of silver The Mary ingaber mine
was operated by lessees.
Rochester (Rabbit) district —The Lively Mining Co, operatmg the
Hidden Treasure mine, was the largest producer in the Rochester
district during 1941. Ore was shipped direct to smelters from several
small mines.
* Ruby Greek district.—A dry-land dredge recovered some gold in
1941 from tests on Gumbo Flats.
Sheridan district.—The Sheridan Gold Mining & Milling Co., operating
the Uncle Sam, Toledo group, and Occidental properties in 1941, was again
the largest producer in the Sheridan district. Gold ore was shipped crude
from the Uncle Sam and Occidental mines, and lead ore was shipped crude from
the Toledo group. Production was reported from 27 other lode mines in the
district. The Traderhorn Mining & Construction Co. produced most of the
placer gold recovered in the district in 1941. The company tested the Sievers
Placer in California Gulch and used a dry-land dredge.
Silver Star district.—The Victoria Mines, Inc., operated the Broadway
mine and its 125-ton cyanide plant throughout 1941. The company treated 39,273
tons of gold ore in its mill and in addition shipped 654 tons of gold ore
crude to smelters. The Green Campbell property, operated by the Green Campbell
Mining Co., ranked second in gold output in the Silver Star district. During
1941 the company treated 6,731 tons of gold ore in its 25-ton amalgamation-concentration
mill; this ore yielded 202 ounces of gold in amalgamation bullion and 988
ounces of gold in gold concentrates. The Golden Rod Mining Co. shipped crude
to a smelter 490 tons of gold ore, which averaged over 2 ounces of gold to
the ton. Among the other lode producers in the district in 1941 were the
Aurora and Edgerton, both shipping gold ore crude to Washoe.
 Tidal Wave district.—The metal output of the Tidal Wave district in
1941 canie from several small lode limes and was mostly gold ore shipped
crude to smelters. The most important producers were the High Ridge mine,
Pollinger group, and Smith and Agitator mines.