Silver.—The output of recoverable silver in Arizona in 1941 was 7,498,260
fine ounces—an increase of 6 percent over 1940. Silver from siliceous
ores declined 182,504 ounces and that from zinc-lead ore 48,992 ounces; but
silver from copper ore increased 542,672 ounces, that from lead ore 62,609
ounces, and that from zinc-copper ore 32,600 ounces. Copper ore yielded 67
percent of the State total silver, siliceous ores 16 percent, zinc-lead ore
12 percent, zinc-copper ore 3 percent, and lead ore nearly 2 percent. The
Phelps Dodge Corporation continued to be the chief silver producer in Arizona,
and its output was 17 percent greater than in 1940; its four properties (Copper
Queen, Morenci, New Cornelia, and United Verde) produced 40 percent of the
State gold output, 54 percent of the silver, and 53 percent of the copper.
Other large silver producers in Arizona in 1941 were the Magma, Shattuck
Denn, Trench-Flux, Iron King, and Iron King-Equator properties. The chief
silver-producing districts were the Warren (Bisbee), Verde (Jerome), Pioneer
(Superior), Ajo, Harshaw, Big Bug, and Wallapai (Chloride); more than 56
percent of the total silver came from the Warren and Verde districts.
 Copper.—The output of recoverable copper in Arizona in 1941 was 652,634,000
pounds—a 16-percent gain over 1940 and the largest output since 1929,
when it was 830,628,411 pounds. There was a substantial increase in each
of the seven chief copper-producing districts. The Globe-Miami district,
with a productio~a of 164,837,300 net pounds of copper, continued to be the
leading copper-producing area in Arizona; it was followed by the Ajo district
with 131,760,000 pounds, Warren (Bisbee) with 113,184,100 pounds, Mineral
Creek (Ray) with 84,800,000 pounds, Verde with 84,484,800 pounds, Pioneer
(Superior) with 38,238,400 pounds, and Copper Mountain (Morenci) with 27,757,800
pounds. These seven districts contributed 99 percent of the State total copper.
Copper ore and its products yielded 647,420,204 pounds of copper, as follows:
18,607,089 tons of copper ore treated by concentration yielded 58 percent;
1,760,740 tons of copper ore shipped crude to smelters, 24 percent; and 3,785,654
tons of copper ore leached and 21,373 tons of cement copper (from mine-water
precipitates and underground leaching operations), 18 percent. The New Cornelia
property continued to be the largest copper producer in Arizona; it was followed
in order by the Copper Queen, Inspiration, Ray (Nevada Consolidated Copper
Corporation), United Verde, Miami, Magma, and Morenci (Phelps Dodge Corporation).
 Lead and zinc.—The output of recoverable lead in Arizona in 1941 was
31,276,000 pounds—the largest output in any year in the history of
the State and an increase of 18 percent over 1940; the output of recoverable
zinc was 32,986,000 pounds—also the largest in any year in the history
of the State and an increase of 7 percent over the record output in 1940.
About 40 percent of the State total lead and 32 percent of the zinc came
from Santa Cruz County, nearly 16 percent of the lead and 14 percent of the
zinc from Mohave County, and 15 percent of the lead and 25 percent of the
zinc from Pinal County; nearly all the remainder of the lead and zinc came
from Yavapai and Cochise Counties. About 68 percent of the total lead and
74 percent of the total zinc came from zinc-lead ore; nearly all the rest
of the lead came from siliceous ores, lead ore, zinc-copper ore, and copper
ore, and nearly all the rest of the, zinc from zinc-copper