transferred to the new agency, as well as related activities of other Government
agencies operating in the employment field.
 Office for Emergency Management.—This is essentially an administrative
agency of the Executive Office designed to maintain liaison between the President
and the national war agencies. During 1941 most of the temporary defense
and war bureaus were coordinated through the Office for Emergency Management,
and by the end- of the year all the functions of the Advisory Commission
to the Council of National Defense had been transferred to agencies under
its juris-~ diction.
 War Production Board.—At the close of l~41 the Office of Produc.tion
Management, predecessor of the War Production Board, was operating under
the supervision of William S. Knudsen, Director General, and Sidney Hillman,
Associate Director General. The organization had been expanded from its original
four divisions— Production; Priorities, Purchases, and Labor—to
include the following bureaus and divisions:
Bureau of Clearance of Defense Industry Advisory Committees—Sidney
Weinberg, Chief.
Bureau of Industiial Conservation—Lessing J. Rosenwald, Chief.
Bureau of Research and Statistics—Stacy May, Chief.
Production Division—W H Ilartison Chief
 Purchases Division—Douglas MacKeachie, Chief. - -
Priorities Division—Donald M. Nelson, Chief.
Labor Division—Sidney Hiliman, Chief.
Division of Contract Distribution—F1oyd B Odlum Chief
Division of Civihan Supply—Leon Henderson Chief
Materials Division—W L Batt Chief

 Comcident with the creation of the War Production Board in January 1942,
William S Knudsen was appointed Director of Production for the War Department,
with the rank of Lieutenant Genera! Donald M Nelson was designated as Chairman
of the War Production Board Other members of the Board as of June 1942 were:
Secretary of War.
Secretary of the Navy.
Federal Loan Administrator.
Lieutenant General in charge of War Department production.
Administrator, Office of. Price Adñiinistration.
Chairman, Board of Economic Warfare.
Director, Labor Division, War Production Board.
Special Assistant to the President.

 A few changes were made in the general organization of the Board. As of
June 1942 a Requirements Committee (W. L. Batt, Chairman) and a Planning
Committee (Robert R. Nathan, Chairman) had been established in the office
of the Board Chairman. The Bureau of Clearance of Defense Industry Advisory
Committees, the Priorities Division, and the Division of Contract Distribution
were consolidated in a Div.igion of Industry Operations with J. S. Knowison
as Director. The other divisions and bureaus of the original Office of Production
Management were continued with relatively minor internal adjustments. A.
I. Henderson succeeded W. L. Batt as Chief of the Materials Division, and
Wendell Lund replaced Sidney Hillman as Chief of the Labor Division.
 Most of the activity of the War Production Board concerned with production
and distribution of mineral raw materials was centered m