year and recovered more than 5,500 fine ounces of gold. Considerable gold
was also recovered by two dragline floating dredges—one operated by
M. A. Stickler on Moores Creek and the other by Smith Bros. on Grimes ~Creek—and
by hydraulicking and sluicing at jJold Hill Placers at Idaho City. The mo~t
important lode operation in the district during 1941 was that of the Come-Back
Mining Co , this company operated its mine at Pioneervile continuously and
shipped 192 tons of high-grade gold-silver ore to a smelter.
 Eight Mile Creek district —Birthday Consolidated Gold Mines, mc, operated
its mine near Lowman throughout 1941, about 2,400 tons of gold ore were treated
in a 25-ton concentration plant, and 174 tons of crude ore were shipped to
a smelter.
 Grimes Pass district —The output of the Grimes Pass district in 1941
was principally gold ore and zinc-lead ore from the HomestakeCoon Dog group,
gold ore and lead ore from the Santa Clara mine, and placer gold chiefly
from the J 5, Horseshoe, and Golden Age properties
 Miller Creek district —Placer gold and silver were recovered in 1941
by sluicing at the Miller Mountain claim.
 North Fork district —In 1941 about 15 tons of silver ore were shipped
from the Packer John claim near Smiths Ferry
 Rabbit Creek district.—Hydraulicking and sluicing at the Rabbit Creek
Placer recovered a little gold and silver.
 Shaw Mountain district.—The Little Dave mine was operated in 1941,
and gold ore was treated by amalgamation.
 South Fork of Payette River district .—Placer gold was recovered in
1941 by. sluicing at various claims along the South Fork of the Payette River
near Lowman.
 Summit Flat district.—Virtually all the output in the Summit Flat.
district in 1941 was gold ore treated by amalgamation; 82 percent of the
output came from the King mine
 —. ..~.....  -     ~ . .... 

 Lakeview district.—The Hewer (Idaho Lakeview) mine was the only producer
in the Lakeview district in 1941; several hundred tons of silver ore were
treated in a 75-ton flotation plant.
 Pend d'Oreille district.—In 1941, as in 1940, nearly all the output
of the Pend d'Oreille district was silver-lead ore, treated by flotation,
from the Hope(Elsie K.) and Whitedelf mines; however, the output from the
Hope property was much less than in 1940. The Whitedelf mine was by far the
most important producer in the district.


 Virtually all the output of Bonneville County in 1941 was placer gold recovered
by hydraulicking and sluicing, largely from the Rosana, Lottie, and McCoy
Creek properties in the Mt. Pisgah district.


 In 1941, as in 1940, the only producer in Boundary County was the Idaho-Continental
mine in the Port Hill district; 37,000 tons of silverlead ore were treated
by flotation.