ducers. It is reported that potentially large deposits occur in the Departments
of Arequipa and~Puno, but exploitation is restricted by lack of transportation
facilities and capital.
 The principal development in the antimony industry in Peru is the erection,
by the Cerro de Pasco Corporation, of a dust treatment plant, of 100 tons
a. day capacity, wbich.sbould be completed in 1942, pending arrival of equipmei~t
from the United States. The plant will treat Cottrell dust; 4,000 tons conthintug
45 percent antimony are stored at'the smelter.
 Union of South Africa.—According to the Metal Bulletin (London), the
Consolidated Murchison (Trausvaal) Goldfields and Development Co., Ltd.,
is now* producing antimony flotation concentrates on a fairly substantial
scale; these are, for the most part, being shipped to the United Kingdom
for treatment. Several small mines are being worked along the MurchisQn range
for the production- of antimony alone.