total lode gold, 81 percent came from the Middle Boise, Yellow Pine, Warm
Springs, Burgdorf-Marshall Lake, Carson, Yankee Fork, Mineral Hill, and West
View districts and the Coeur d'Alene region. Substantial increases in output
of gold were made in the Middle Boise, Yankee Fork, Elk City, Hoodoo, and
Gibbonsville districts but large decreases in the Boise Basin and Yellow
Pine districts and the Coeur d'Alene region.
 Talache Mines, Inc., operating lode property at Atlanta, was again the largest
gold producer in Idaho. It was followed by the Fisher.. Baumhoff Co., which
continued to operate two bucket dredges near Centervile; Yellow Pine mine
at Stibnite; H. & H. bucket dredge near Elk City; Snake River Mining
Co. (bucket dredge) at Sunbeam;

 — Hi Silver I -
c~ ~~c;L II - I
 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950
FIGURE 1.—Value of mine production of gold, silver, lead, and zinc
and total value of gold, silver, copper, lead, and zinc in Idaho, 1870—1941.
The value of copper has been less than $2,000,000 annually, except in a few

Golden Anchor mine at Burgdorf; Northwest Goldfields bucket dredge near Harvard;
Triumph mine near Ketchum; Idaho-Canadian Dredgmg Co. at Idaho City; Warren
Dredging Co. at Warren; Boise Kmg Placers near Twin Springs; Dc Lama%r Milling
Corporation at De Lamar; and Custer Consolidated Mines, Inc., near Sunbeam.
 Silver.—The output of recoverable silver in Idaho was 16,672,410 fine
ounces in 1941—a 5-percent decrease from 1940. Production from the
Sunshine mine declined 1,045,470 ounces. The Coeur d'Alene region produced
88 percent of the State total silver in 1941; the rest came largely from
the Warm Springs, Carson, Bayhorse, South Mountain, Middle Boise, Port Hill,
and Pend d'Oreile districts. Silver ore yielded 59 percent of the State total
silver, zinclead ore 30 percent, lt~ad ore 6 percent, and gold-silver ore
and gold ore 3 percent. The yield of silver from silver ore decreased 918,449
ounces and from zinc-lead ore 418,176 ounces, but that from zinc ore increased
193,405 ounces, from lead ore 176,184 ounces, and from gold ore and gold-silver
ore 60,176 ounces.
 Eight mines—the Sunshine, Bunker Hill & Sullivan, Mineral Point,
Polaris, Hecla, Morning, Triumph, and Page—produced 84 percent of the
silver output of the State in 1941. All these mines except the Triumph are
in the Coeur d'Alene region.