Strohschiink and Thiel

- advising emigrants about the "cheapest and most expeditious"
route by which to reach Wisconsin;
- giving such further information as will protect emigrants against
"the impositions often practiced upon them;"
- reporting to the governor as often as required and in the manner
prescribed by him;
- reporting the number of emigrants seen by the office, their
nationalities, and the occupations they intended to pursue in the
state; and
- to employ "such assistance" in the office as is approved ofby the
2) The commissioner was to answer directly to the governor and could
be terminated for inefficiency and misconduct.
3) The salary of $1,500 with further appropriations of not to exceed
$1,250 for publications describing the state; $250 for office rent;
$100 for maps; and $700 for "assistance."
4) Salary to be paid quarterly and the remainder of the appropriations
on order of the governor.
5) Effective date of Act: June 9,1852.30
Less than one year after its original adoption, this law was amended calling
for the commissioner to be elected by the legislature (on a "joint ballot of
both houses") for a one year term. This act took effect in time for the annual
reappointment of the commissioner, scheduled for May 1.31 Yet another bill,
adopted in the same session as chapter 53, reiterated the office's powers, but
also went beyond the 1852 law by specifically directing the commissioner to
"distribute free of expense, to [...] emigrants, pamphlets in their respective
languages" describing Wisconsin. The commissioner was also charged with

30. General Laws of 1852, chapter 432.
31. General Laws of 1853, chapter 34.