List of Figures
1.1. Germano de Jose Maria. Image first appears in Hermann von Wissmann, Unter
deutscher Flagge quer durch Afrika von West nach Ost (Berlin: Walther and Apolant,
1889), 12, in which no photographer is referenced ...................... 27
5.1. "The Chief of Mbod (Nsungli) in his national Costume,"
Wilhelm  Zuircher, photographer .................................... 121
5.2. "Chief Kuba from Wum,"
Wilhelm  Schneider, photographer ................................... 121
5.3. "The Banso Chief,"
W ilhelm  Ztircher, photographer .................................... 122
5.4. No original caption. From an album, "Cameroon 1930-39,
G. & B. Tischhauser," photographer unknown ......................... 122
5.5. "The guests at a festival are waiting for the food, which is to be
supplied by the chief of Bali," Wilhelm Ztircher, photographer............124
5.6. "Palavar. In the chief's compound," Karl Lipp, photographer.............125
5.7. "Missionaries visiting the chief in Fumban,"
Martin  Gohring, photographer ..................................... 128
5.8. "Nkpundia, a wife of the King, spinning,"
Anna Wuhrmann, photographer .................................... 129
5.9. "Preaching before the chief of Obomeng,"
Fritz Ramseyer, photographer ...................................... 131
5.10. "The indigenous chief of Obomeng,"
Fritz Ramseyer, photographer ...................................... 132
5.11. "King of Akropong and [illegible: a Banyan Tree?],"
photographer unknown ........................................... 133
5.12. "King of Akropong with all the chiefs,"
photographer unknown ........................................... 134
See the appendix to chapter 5for further pictorial information.
7.1. Map of the Drakensberg range and the eastern seaboard of South Africa,
with an inset of the AmaZulu heartland. Drawn by the author .............. 213