Review of A Pest in the Land: New World Epidemics in Global Perspective, by Suzanne A. Alchon.
Colonial Latin American Historical Review 11:206-08.
Review of Sinking Columbus: Contested History, Cultural Politics, and Mythmaking during the
Quincentenary, by Stephen J. Summerhill and John A. Williams. Hispanic American Historical
Review 82:137-38.
Review of South Africa's Treaties in Theory and Practice, 1806-1998, by Jacqueline A. Kalley. American
Reference Books Annual 33:199.
"Celebrating a Good Inning." History in Africa 30:2-4.
"Deciduous, Perennial, or Evergreen: The Choices in the Debate Over 'Early Israel'." Journal for the
Study of the Old Testament 27:387-412.
"'Enhanced Customer Loyalty' and the 'Stockholm Syndrome'." Journal of Information Ethics
"Innovative Sources and Methods." in Sources and Methods in African History: Spoken, Written,
Unearthed, edited by Toyin Falola and Christian Jennings, 331-34. Rochester: University of
Rochester Press.
"The Power of Pink: Graphics as Imposed Epistemology." Journal of Scholarly Publishing 34/2:83-100.
Review of Development Governor/State of Emergency/Retreat from Empire/Sir Glyn Jones/Revolt of the
Ministers, by Colin Baker. International Journal of African Historical Studies 36:464-66.
Review of Historical Dictionary of the Sudan, by Richard Lobban, et al., 3rd ed. American Reference
Books Annual 34:200.
Review of Key Events in African History: A Reference Guide, by Toyin Falola. American Reference Books
Annual 34:199.
"Rich in the Wisdom of Hindsight." Journal of Interdisciplinary History 33:577-85.
"Survival of the Fittest? Darwinian Evolution and the Transmission of Information." History in Africa
"Commas, Christians, and Editors." Journal of Scholarly Publishing 36:58-74.
"Herodotus' Median Chronology from a Slightly Different Perspective." Iranica Antiqua 39:237-46.
"The Implausibility of Plausibility/The Plausibility of Implausibility." Historical Reflections/Rdflexions
Historiques 30:311-35.
The Princely States of India: a Guide to Chronology and Rulers. Bangkok: Orchid Press.
"'Retreat into Nihilism' or the Fruits of Experience?" Nahua Newsletter 38:17-21.
Review of Bibliography of Imperial, Colonial, and Commonwealth History since 1600, edited by Andrew
Porter. Journal of African History 45:175-76.
Review of The Handybook for Genealogists, 10th ed. American Reference Books Annual 35:339.
Review of Historical Dictionary of International Organizations in Africa, by Terry M. Mays and Mark
W. DeLancey,2nd ed. American Reference Books Annual 35:758.
Review of Historical Dictionary of Mozambique, by Mario Azevedo, et al. American Reference Books
Annual 35:460.
Review of Hitler's Library, by Ambrus Miskolczy. College and Research Libraries 65:458-59.