Editors of The Brecht Yearbook: 
Managing Editors: 
John Fuegi, Comparative Literature Program, The University of Maryland, 4321

  Hartwick Road, Suite 306, College Park Md 20740, USA - for volumes 14 and

  15 only. 
Marc Silberman, German Department, 818 Van Hise Hall, University of Wisconsin,

  Madison, Wl 53706, USA 
Renate Voris, German Department, Columbia University, New York, N.Y. 10027,

Carl Weber, Drama Department, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA

Marc Silberman, Review Editor, German Department, 818 Van Hise Hall, 
  University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wi 53706, USA 
Consulting Editor for volume 14: 
Antony Tatlow, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Hong Kong,

  Hong Kong. 
Officers of the International Brecht Society: 
Antony Tatlow, President, Department of Comparative Literature, University
  Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 
John Rouse, Vice-President, Department of Theatre, Tulane University, New

  Orleans, LA 70118, USA 
  Ward B. Lewis, Secretary/Treasurer, Department of Germanic and Slavic 
  Languages, Meigs Hall, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA 
Michael Gilbert, Editor, Communications, Department of German and Russian,

  Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC 27109, USA 
Members receive The Brecht Yearbook and the bi-annual Communications from

the International Brecht Society. Dues should be sent to the Secretary/Treasurer

listed above: 
Student Member (up to three years)                        $15.00 
Regular Member, annual income under $ 20,000        $20.00 
                annual income over $ 20,000                $ 25.00 
Sustaining Member                                         $30.00 
Institutional Member                                       $30.00 
Manuscripts submitted to The Brecht Yearbook should be sent in triplicate,

cleanly typed and double spaced throughout to the Managing Editor, Marc 