PuBLIc FUNCTIONS—Professor J. E. Olson, chairman; Professors Ewbank, Gordon,
G. L. Larson, Mortimer, A. T. Weaver, and Withey; Mr. Chandler, Secretary.

REGENT-FACULTY CONFERENCE—The President of the University, ex officio;
Regents: Backus, Berger, Butler, Callahan, Schmidtmann, Sholts, Waters.
Faculty: (Elected) Professors Bascom, Guyer, Hohlfeld, Kiekhofer, W. Mead,

Rice, Rundell, Sellery, Wagner, Whitbeck, H. C. White, Wickhem; In-
structor Kirk; Professor J. H. Mathews, Chairman of the University Com-
mittee, ex officio.

Anderson, T. L. Jones, Kivlin, Slichter, and C. A. Smith.

RESEARCH—Dean Slichter, chairman; Professors Bryan, Fred, Glaeser, Knaplund, and

ROOMS AND TIME-TABLE—Professor C. A. Smith, chairman; Professors R. H. Dennis-
ton, Hyland, James, Kiekhofer, Kowalke, Krauskopf, March, Meek, Mills, Roe-
buck, Twenhofel, and Wickhem.

STUDENT CoNDUCT—The Dean of Men, the Dean of Women, and the deans (or
assistant deans) of the several colleges; Professor Ray Brown, chairman; Profes-
sors Aurner, Gillin, and Lorenz; Registrar Holt.

STUDENT LIFE AND INTERESTS—Dean of Men, chairman; Dean of Women, assistant

Athletics: Professor Pyre, chairman; Professor Little, secretary; Professor Phil-
lips, business manager; Professors J. G. Moore, Kowalke, and E. R. Schmidt;
Miss Trilling in cases relating to women; Walter Alexander, H. C. Marks,
and J. P. Riordan, alumni members; John C. McCarter, student member.
Intra-Mural and Recreational Athletics: Professor Pyre, chairman; Profes-

sors L. B. Johnson and G. L. Larson, faculty members; Donald Meikle-
john and Helen McLellan, student members.

Living Conditions and Hygiene: Professor Hastings, chairman; Professors P. F.
Clark, Morris, and Woy; Mrs. Flett.

Musical Organizations: Professor Mills, chairman; Professors Iltis and Gordon.

Oratory and Dramatics: Professor A. T. Weaver; chairman; Professors Cool and

Publications: Professor Bleyer, chairman; Professors Aurner and K. E. Olson

Society, Fraternities, and Politics: Professor C. E. Allen, chairman; Professors
Fellows and Noland; Miss Bayliss.

TRAINING OF TEACHERS—Professor Anderson, chairman; Dean of the College of
Letters and Science; Professors Cool, Gilbert, Henmon, Hohlfeld, James, Marlatt,
O’Shea, Ryan, F. C. Sharp, Steve, W. Taylor, and Willing.

UNIvErsITy—(Elected) Professor Mathews, chairman; Professors Kolb, Paxson, Run-
dell, E. R. Schmidt, and Trumbower.