Incompletes, 53
Major study, 57
Medical science, major in, 58
Physical education requirement, 51
Pre-legal studies, 55
Premedical curricula, 73
Rank of students, 56
Residence requirement, 52
Senior honors, 56
Sophomore honors, 55
Thesis, 57
Transfers from other institutions, 39
Transfers within the college, 52
Upper-group status, 56
Libraries, 10
Library School, 110
License, teachers’, 83
Limnology, instruction in, 236
Literature (see English, French, etc.)
Literary societies, 30
Loan funds, 18
Long course in agriculture, 304

yture Machine Design, instruction in, 282
Manual arts (see Industrial Education,
Marketing (see Agricultural economics)
Masters’ degrees, 385
Instruction in, 191
Required for admission, 42
Mechanical drawing, instruction in, 274
Mechanical Engineering, Course in, 247
Mechanics, instruction in, 283
Medals, 14
Medical examination, 28
Medical School
Admission, 357
Course in Medicine, 361
Degrees, 360
Departments of instruction, 362
Pre-medical courses, 359
Medical science, major in, 58
Medicine, instruction in, 364
School of Nursing, 377
Men, Dean of, 27
Men’s dormitories, 25
Metallurgy, instruction in, 286
Meteorology, instruction in, 194 (see also
Weather Bureau, 430)
Methods of admission, 36
Middle course in agriculture, 306
Military science, instruction in, 424
Milwaukee Center, 407
i Mineralogy, instruction in, 173
} Mining Engineering
] Course in, 263
Instruction in, 285 _
1 Municipal Information, bureau of, 413
Museums, 436
Music, School of, 114
Course in, 118
Instruction in, 196






Musical organizations, 31, 116
Natural History Survey, 431
Neuropsychiatry, instruction in, 365
Non-resident tuition, 15
Normal Course, 62
Normal schools, admission from, 39
Norse, instruction in, 217
Nursing, School of

Admission to, 371

Five-year courses, 373

Expense, 371

Instruction in, 376

Three-year course, 372

Observatory, astronomical, 431
Obstetrics and gynecology, instr. in, 366
Officers, administrative, xi
Ophthalmology, instruction in, 370
Orchestra, 116

Orthopedic surgery, instruction in, 370

Painting, instruction in, 186
Paleontology, instruction in, 172
Pathology, instruction in

Medical, 366

Plant, 345
Payment of fees, 16
Pedagogy (see School of Education, 80)
Pediatrics, instruction in, 365
Petrology, instruction in, 173
Pharmaceutical experiment station, 72
Pharmacognosy, instruction in, 201
Pharmacology, instruction in, 367

Course in, 70

Instruction in, 200
Philology (see language in question)
Philosophy, doctor of, 378
Philosophy, instruction in, 202
Physical Education

Course for men, 97

Course for women, 98

Division of, 419

Instruction in, 204

Minors in, 101

Required work, 421
Physical therapy, instruction in, 369
Physics, instruction in, 209
Physiography, instruction in, 174
Physiological chemistry, instr. in, 367
Physiology, instruction in, 368
Plant Pathology, instruction in, 345
Political economy (see Economics, 139)
Political science, instruction in, 211
Post-graduate medical extension, 409
Poultry Husbandry, instruction in, 346
Pre-legal studies, 55
Premedical curricula, 73, 358
Preparatory subjects (see High-school

Prizes, 14
Psychiatric Institute, 433