Entrance requirements are stated in units of high-school work, a term
which is not to be confused with the term credit as applied to university
work. A unit represents five class periods a week in one branch of study
for a school year of at least 86 weeks. Two laboratory periods in any sci-
ence or vocational study are considered as equivalent to one class period.
In closely allied subjects, such as botany and zoology, not usually taught
throughout the entire year, units may be constructed by adding the respec-
tive time values of the subjects. Three periods a week for a year and a half
may be counted as one unit.


Fifteen units, distributed as follows, are the fundamental requirement
for regular admission to any college or course in the University, except
certain special courses in the College of Agriculture, as specified below:

I. Two units of English are required of all entrants; three units are
recommended for all and are required of those who do not offer two units
of foreign language. One unit of algebra and one of geometry are also
required of all, with an additional half or whole unit of algebra recom-
mended for those seeking admission to the College of Engineering.

II. Two units of science or history, or two units of one of the follow-
ing foreign languages—French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Latin,
Norse, or Spanish—must be presented by all. If foreign language is of-
fered, there must be at least two units in a single language, although in
exceptional cases one unit may be offered as the optional subject.

III. The remaining units necessary to bring the total to fifteen must
be offered from Groups A and B, with a maximum of four units from Group
B and a total of not more than four units in any single subject.


Units Units Units

Englishiy (e106 22 pF 1—2 History and Civies Science
Foreign language Historye si: Ve 69a 1—4 Botanyes! ialiesi les 4-1
Preneh 252 25° 0 Net 1—4 Civics 22 ee yw—1 Biology 2:2 fess 22 1
Germans Jct cee! 1—4 EHeonomies? 221 _ 112.3 4% Chemhistryets ¥ ii 25. 1
Greeks) Yo sue rod as: 1—3 General science____.-- yY—1
Hebrewa cost. ae 1—2 Mathematics Geography. 2s * w—1
ltalmaiie 20S OF Dai. 7-9 Advanced algebra--__- vat Plivaicsiis Os JSG x: 1
atin 21. DAe 2 2863 1—4 Solid geometry - _-_~--- % Physidlogyu fist | p52 %
Nowses c= __ balic eer’ 1—2 Prigonometry. 5 sce 2 a5 Ye Zoology afte itatvsces y—1