Abbreviations used in the announcement of courses:

Yr—a continuous course extending through two semesters
I—course given during the first semester

II—course given during the second semester

I, Il—semester course given each semester

cr—number of credit hours per semester

*_to be arranged

Courses numbered from 1 through 100 are open for credit to undergrad-
uates only; from 101 to 199 to both undergraduates and graduates; over
200 to graduates only, or very exceptionally to advanced undergraduates.

The unit of reckoning the credit is one hour of classroom work per
week. Two hours of drawing, laboratory, field, or shop work (which re-
quire little outside preparation) count as one hour of classroom work.


EDWARD ROSE MAURER, B.C.E., Professor of Mechanics

RAYMOND JEFFERSON ROARK, M.S., C.E., Associate Professor of Mechanics

LEROY ALONZO WILSON, M.E., M.M.E., Associate Professor of Steam and
Gas Engineering

GROVER C. WILSON, M.S., M.E., Assistant Professor of Steam and Gas En-

ERIC REXFORD MILLER, M.S., Lecturer in Meteorology

CHARLES FREDERICK PETERS, Instructor in Mechanical Practice

ROBERT NICHOLAS SCHUMANN, Instructor in Mechanical Practice

101. AERODYNAMICS. I; 3 cr. The wind tunnel, properties of airfoils and
of combinations, and parasitic resistance; also airplane controls and
propellers; stability and performance. Prerequisite: Mechanics 2.
Mr. Maurer.

102. AIRPLANE STRESS ANALYSIS. II; 3 er. Stress analysis of airplane
structures with special reference to Department of Commerce require-
ments. Prerequisites: Aeronautics 101 and Mechanics 3. Mr.

103. DESIGN OF AIRPLANE ParTs. I; 2 cr. Design of spars, struts and
other structural elements. Aircraft materials. Prerequisite: Aero-
nautics 102. Mr. Roark.

104. PROPELLER THEORY. II; 2 cr. Theories of propeller performance;
practical methods of design. Prerequisite: Aeronautics 101. Mr.

108. WELDING. I; 2 cr. Are and gas welding, with special reference to
aircraft construction. Lab. fee $6.00. Mr. Peters, Mr. Schumann.