laboratory fees are remitted for work in the Forest Products Laboratory.
The number of students thus appointed will depend largely upon the funds
available. There are also established under similar conditions two Forest
Products Laboratory Fellowships. Applications for these assistantships
and fellowships, accompanied by testimonials, should be sent to Director
C. P. Winslow, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wisconsin, before
March 1 of the academic year preceding that during which such appoint-
ments are to be held.


The University of Wisconsin confers the following non-professional
second degrees: Master of Arts, Master of Science, Master of Philosophy.

These degrees are conferred in accordance with the conditions set forth
below upon graduates of the University of Wisconsin and upon graduates
of other institutions of learning whose preliminary training has been sub-
stantially equivalent to that represented by the baccalaureate degrees of the
University of Wisconsin. The University will determine this substantial
equivalence of training by such methods as seem best adapted to each case,
and may impose upon any candidate such additional requirements as seem
needful and just, its judgment in this respect being influenced by the actual
attainments of the candidate in larger measure than by the institution at
which he has previously studied, and its purpose being to adjust the differ-
ences in the training furnished by different institutions.

The degree, Master of Arts, is conferred upon candidates whose under-
graduate work corresponds to that now leading to the degree, Bachelor of
Arts, as conferred by the University of Wisconsin, and whose graduate
studies are non-professional in character.- The degree, Master of Science,
is conferred upon candidates whose undergraduate work corresponds to that
now leading to the degree, Bachelor of Science, as conferred by the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, and may also be conferred upon bachelor of arts who are
adequately trained in mathematical, chemical, physical, or biological science.
The degree, Master of Philosophy, is conferred upon candidates whose aca-
demic training corresponds to that leading to the degree, Bachelor of Phil-
osophy, as conferred by the University of Wisconsin.

Candidacy for the above degrees is based upon resident study at the
University. In no case, will a master’s degree be conferred in course with-
out the equivalent of two semesters of graduate study, at least one of which,
or its equivalent in summer sessions, must be spent at the University of

The following regulations for the attainment of second degrees apply
to all candidates in residence:

1. During a period of at least one academic year the candidate must
pursue a course of graduate study characterized by definiteness of purpose
and approved by the University as appropriate to that purpose and suitable
in amount. Such course includes normally from nine to twelve unit-hours
of graduate work for each semester, of which at least one-half must lie in
a single department. The undergraduate preparation of the candidate must
be sufficient to satisfy the instructor that the advanced work may be profit-
ably undertaken. Undergraduate courses of suitable character may be
elected in addition to the normal amount of graduate work, provided that
the recommendation of the professor in charge of the student’s major and
the approval of the Dean of the Graduate School be obtained in advance.