_ THE UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA, composed of about sixty-five players, is
organized to study the larger classical forms and to present them in pub-
lic. Rehearsals are held twice a week in Music Hall during the school year.
Membership is open to the entire student body, and to others who may qual-
ify. After two semesters’ enrollment in the orchestra, a university student
may receive one credit for each of the two following semesters. This work
is listed as Music 76. Mr. Morphy, Director.

THE UNIVERSITY BANDS consist normally of about two hundred men,
divided among three organizations known as the Concert Band, the Second
Band, and the ROTC Band. The first is mainly a concert organization, the
second forms a training school for the less experienced students, and the
latter is a unit of the Military Department. These organizations rehearse
three times each week. Underclassmen playing in the band are considered
as fulfilling the physical activity requirement. Upperclassmen who are
members of the concert band and who remain for duty at Commencement
are compensated for their services to the extent of thirty dollars. Students
who desire to join should confer with the Director of the Bands. Mr.
Morphy, Director.

THE UNIVERSITY SINGERS, a mixed chorus, is organized for the study
and performance of numbers for “a cappella” singing and the larger choral
forms, such as cantata, oratorio, and opera. Membership is open to any
student in the University, both undergraduate and graduate, who has had
some previous experience in chorus or choir work and who can successfully
pass the voice test requirements. Rehearsals are held twice weekly. Mr.
Swinney, Director.

THE MEN’sS GLEE CLUB is a campus organization incorporated under
the laws of the State of Wisconsin. Two separate divisions are maintained;
the Concert Club, the membership of which is selected by competitive try-
outs, and the Corporation, to which members of the Concert Club may be
elected after one year’s service. Vacancies in the club are filled by com-
petitive trial, and membership is open to the entire student body, including
graduate students. The club makes extensive concert tours and won the
championship of the Middle West in 1923, 1925, and 1926. The Club toured
Europe in the summer of 1927. Mr. Swinney, Director.

THE WOMEN’S GLEE CLUB is an organization of thirty-two women which
makes frequent public appearances locally. Vacancies are filled by com-
petitive trial, and membership is open to the entire student body, including
graduate students. Mrs. Caster, Director.


The School of Music is housed in Music Hall and a large annex, which
are provided with a concert auditorium, class rooms, teaching studios for
applied music, practice rooms, a four-manual organ, a two-manual organ,
six two-manual reed practice organs, pianos, orchestral and band instru-
ments, and an assortment of mechanical instruments,

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