Any high school or academy with a complete four-year course which
does not include foreign language may be admitted to the accredited list
under the conditions stated above, provided its course of instruction covers
fifteen units in the subjects accepted for admission to the University.

The University desires to keep fully informed regarding the work of
its accredited schools by means of annual reports and frequent inspections.
Every accredited school is required to report each year concerning its
teachers, course of study, methods of instruction, and material equipment.
Forms are furnished by the University for this purpose. The University
sends out inspectors at its own expense and at the convenience of the
members of the staff. Especial attention is called to the necessity of
promptly notifying the Chairman of the Committee on High-School Rela-
tions of changes in the dates of examinations and vacations. The list of
accredited schools is published near the end of the academic year; it is sent
to all high schools in the state. Copies may be obtained from the Chairman
of the Committee on High-School Relations.


1. Graduates of secondary schools outside Wisconsin, included in the
current list of accredited schools of the North Central Association, may
be admitted when recommended and certified by the principal as indicated
above, provided the minimum admission requirements of the University be
fulfilled. The grades must average fair or above, and the record of the last
two years in the secondary school will be given special and critical consid-

2. Graduates of other secondary schools outside Wisconsin may be
admitted when properly recommended and certified, provided: (a) That
the school maintains, on the basis of regular inspection, accredited relation-
ship with the state university, or other university within the state included
in the membership of the Association of American Universities. The state
university must maintain the same standard of admission requirements as
those institutions belonging to the Association of American Universities.
(b) That the minimum admission requirements of the University of Wis-
consin be fulfilled as to both number of units and character of work. In
such cases the character of the work submitted is interpreted to mean an
average standing of good.

Credentials properly certified by the principal on forms provided by
the University should be submitted for approval before August 1.


Graduates of secondary schools who fail to secure the recommendation
of their principals because of low grades will be required to take entrance
examinations in those Group A subjects in which they are deficient. A de-
ficient grade is one lower than 77 when 70 is the passing grade of the school,
or below 81 on the basis of 75 as passing.

Graduates of schools which have established a “recommending grade”
will be required to take entrance examinations in those subjects in which
they failed to receive this recommending grade.

Graduates who do not have the required fifteen units will take entrance
examinations in those subjects in which they lack credit.

Applicants for admission who are required to take entrance examina-
tions as indicated above must also take a college aptitude test which will
be used in conjunction with the entrance examinations for determining