The Agricultural Engineering Building provides offices, lecture and
drafting rooms, power and farm machinery laboratories, a laboratory for
the smaller farm tools and implements, and a concrete construction labora-

The Departments of Agricultural Chemistry and Genetics are located
in the Agricultural Chemistry Building. It contains large laboratories,
and an assembly room with seating capacity of 400, in addition to special
laboratories for advanced students and the chemistry laboratories of the
Experiment Station, including those of the feed and fertilizer inspection

The Department of Home Economics is located in the Home Economics
Building, where offices, classrooms, and laboratories are provided, and in
the practice cottage where the work in household administration, house
decoration, and dietetics has ample scope for practical solution. The de-
partment is provided with all the necessary furnishings and apparatus to
give thorough instruction in the subjects of house sanitation, art and design,
food preparation, dietetics, textiles, sewing, dressmaking, house decoration,
and institutional economics.

The Live Stock Pavilion provides a large arena which is used for stock
judging work and exhibition purposes. The pavilion has seating arrange-
ments for 2,500 people. Beneath the amphitheater seats there are stalls
for the housing of horses belonging to the University Farm. In addition
to this there are offices, operating room, and dispensary for Veterinary

The Poultry Building provides offices and classrooms. Pens of all
of the important breeds are provided and practical instruction is given in
all lines of poultry raising. A separate research poultry plant is main-
tained on an outlying portion of the University Farm. The Economic
Entomology Department has a building by itself.

The University Farm buildings include barns for the horses, cattle,
sheep, and swine as well as two large stock judging rooms. Other build-
ings are provided for storing farm machinery, silage, manure, and tobacco.

A group of small buildings formerly devoted to the manufacture of
hog cholera serum is now being used for the testing of commercial serums
and for investigational work in diseases of livestock.


The Agricultural College Library includes about 30,000 bound volumes
and 25,000 pamphlets relating to agriculture and home economics. This
library is a part of the general University Library, but is kept in special
quarters in Agricultural Hall, so as to be readily available to students in
this College. It is especially strong in the files of scientific agricultural
journals, both American and foreign, and the record books of pure-bred
animals. A trained librarian and assistants are in attendance to aid


The College of Agriculture is provided with four farms, the Univer-
sity Farm, Eagle Heights Farm, Gregg Farm, and the Hill Farm, totalling
about 846 acres of tillable land. These farms are operated to facilitate
both instruction and research in agriculture.




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