Masor. A minimum of 24 credits in advance of course 2b. In addition
to the thesis, these credits must include courses 10 or 112, 347, 191, 131 (at
least for four credits), 150, and 151.

Minor. A minimum of courses 10, 347, and at least 8 credits in liter-
ature from courses beyond 2b, including 4 credits from courses in Group B
(see page 178), i. e., at least fourteen credits beyond course 2b.

Students who are preparing to teach German as their major or minor
subject and who have done a considerable amount of work elsewhere, or
who have had successful teaching experience, may be excused, by action of
the department, from some of the required work. Such excuse will gen-
erally be granted only on the basis of an examination, and in no case will
students be recommended by the department unless they have taken at
least 4 credits in German at Wisconsin.

German. I; 3 cr. Methods. For seniors and graduates. Special permis-
sion is necessary for graduate credit. Mr. Griebsch.

German 191. Phonetics. II; 2 cr. For seniors and graduates, with
special reference to the teaching of German. Conducted in English. Mr.

Masor. A minimum of 24 credits, not including course 1.

DEPARTMENTAL TEACHERS’ CouRSE. The Department of Classics does
not offer a regular departmental teachers’ course in Greek. Latin 374 is
recommended to candidates who desire to teach Greek.


Masor. Candidates are held for the regular requirements of the major
in this department (see page 181) but must so arrange their courses as to
include History 2 (4 credits), and at least a semester course, either elemen-
tary or advanced, in each of the fields of ancient and medieval history,
counting History 5a as medieval history. The departmental teachers’
course (History 349), also required for the teachers’ certificate, does not
give credit in history.

Minor. History 349 and a minimum of 16 additional credits in history,
ineluding at least 4 credits in advanced courses at Wisconsin.

DEPARTMENTAL TEACHERS’ CouRSES. History 349. Teaching of His-
tory and the Social Studies. I, II; 2-4 cr. Mr. Phillips.

History 190. Special Problems in the Teaching and Supervision of
History and the Social Studies. I, II; 2cr. Mr. Phillips.