DANIEL WEBSTER MEAD, C.E., Professor of Hydraulic Engineering, Chairman

FRANCIS MurRAY DAwSON, M.C.E., Professor of Hydraulic Engineering

Lewis HANFORD KESSLER, M.S., C.E., Assistant Professor of Hydraulic En-

MERLE STARR NICHOLS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sanitary Chemistry

ROBERT THOMAS HOMEWOOD, B.S., Instructor in Hydraulic Engineering

ARNO THOMAS LENZ, B.S., Instructor in Hydraulic Engineering

1. Hyprautics. I, II; 38 cr. The elementary principles of the mechanics
of fluids, and the theory, calibration and use of instruments for hy-
draulic measurements. Recitations, lectures, and laboratory work.
Prerequisite: Mechanics 1, 2. Lab. fee $3.00. Mr. Dawson, Mr.
Kessler, Mr. Homewood, Mr, Lenz.

2. Hyprautics. I, II; 4 cr. Similar to course 1, but having additional
recitation and laboratory work. Required of junior civil engineering
students, Prerequisites: Mechanics 1, 2. Lab. fee $3.00. Mr. Daw-
son, Mr. Kessler, Mr. Homewood, Mr. Lenz.

102. TESTING OF HYDRAULIC MACHINES. I, II; 2 cr. A course designed to
acquaint the student with the methods of hydraulic machine testing.
Tests are made of impulse and turbine water wheels, centrifugal and
reciprocating pumps, hydraulic rams, air lift pumps, ete. Laboratory
work with occasional lectures and computing periods. Prerequisite:
Hydr. 1 or 2. Lab. fee $5.00. Mr. Kessler.

103. EXPERIMENTAL HypRAuLics. I, II; 1 to 5 cr. Laboratory investiga-
tion of the relation of experimental results to the theory of hydraulic
machinery and of the flow of water under various conditions. The
special field to be studied may be selected by the student, with the
approval of the instructor. Prerequisite: Hydr. 1. Lab. fee $3.00
per credit. Mr. Dawson, Mr. Kessler.

104. WATER POWER ENGINEERING. I; 3cr. The theory, investigation, and
development of water power. Prerequisite: Hydr. 1. Mr. Mead,
Mr. Homewood.

105. HyprauLic MACHINERY. II; 2 er. The theory of hydraulic motors,
pumps, etc., and their economic selection and installation. Prerequi-
site: Hydr.1. Mr. Mead, Mr. Lenz.

110. Hyprotocy. II; 2cr. Water in its physical, geological, and meteoro-
logical relations as applied to water power, water supply, irrigation,
drainage, and sanitary work. Mr. Mead, Mr. Dawson, Mr. Lenz.

112, DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION. II; 2 er. Theory, practice, and economy
of sanitary and agricultural drainage, flood control, and application
of water to irrigation of land. Prerequisites: Hydr. jy Ge ae
Mead, Mr. Homewood.

118. HypRAuLic Design. I; 2 er. Investigation of water supply for
power, irrigation or municipal purposes. Prerequisites: Hydr. 1,
110. Mr. Mead, Mr. Lenz.