3. MACHINE ELEMENTS. I, II; 4 cr. Study of the application of the
principles of mechanics and empirical methods to the design of ma-
chine elements. Commercial drafting room practice. Prerequisites:
Machine Design 1, Mechanics 1, 2. Mr. Hyland.

4, ADVANCED MACHINE DEsIGN. I, II; 4 er. A continuation of course 3

applied to the design of complete machines. Prerequisite: Machine
Design 38. Mr. McNaul.

5. MACHINE ELEMENTS. I, II; 3 cr. For electrical and chemical engi-
neers. A study of the mathematical and empirical methods for the
design of machine parts, with a parallel drafting course conforming
to the requirements of modern drafting practice. Prerequisites :
Machine Design 1, Mechanics 1, 2, 3. Mr. Puerner.

12. MACHINE TeEsTING. II; 2 cr. Experimental determinations of the
strength of machine elements and the efficiency of machines. Pre-
requisite: Machine Design 3. Lab. fee $6.00. Mr. Puerner, Mr.

mental concepts of motion, velocity, acceleration, and equilibrium;
graphical and analytical solution of velocities and accelerations in
machine parts; determination of static and inertia forces in machines;
combinations of static and inertia forces; effect of stress concentra-
tion and fatigue in machine parts; design of high-speed machines for
strength, rigidity, balance, and lubrication; governors as to type and
design. Mr. McNaul.


EpwarpD Rose MAUER, B.C.E., Professor of Mechanics, Chairman

JESSE BENJAMIN KoMMERS, M.E., Professor of Mechanics

MorRTON OWEN WITHEY, C.E., Professor of Mechanics

Harry E. PuLver, C.E., Associate Professor of Civil and Structural Engi-

RAYMOND JEFFERSON ROARK, M.S., Associate Professor of Mechanics

LorinG O. HANSON, B.S., Instructor in Mechanics

H. GOLDFINCH NEALE, B.S., Instructor in Mechanics

NOLAN Pacg, B.S., Instructor in Mechanics

DAN HENRY PLeEtTTA, B.S., Instructor in Mechanics

Kurt FRANK WENDT, B.S., Instructor in Mechanics

1. Stratics. I, II; 3 cr. Treated, as are all of the following courses,
with special reference to the requirements of engineers. Prerequi-
site: Physics 51. First nine weeks of each semester.

2. DyNAmics. I, II; 2 er. Prerequisites: Mechanics 1; Mathematics
55, or concurrent registration. Last nine weeks of each semester.

3. MECHANICS OF MATERIALS. I, II; 5 er. Prerequisites: Mechanics 1;
Mathematics 55, or concurrent registration.




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