CLARK, WILLIAM Nostg, B.S., Assistant to the Dean, College of Agriculture

CLARKE, HELEN ISABEL, M.A., Assistant Professor of Sociology

CODDINGTON, HESTER, Assistant Librarian, Emeritus

COLBERT, RoY JEFFERSON, M.A., Assistant Professor of Economics, Extension Division

CoLE, LEON JaAcos, P/.D., Professor of Genetics

COMMONS, JOHN Rocers, M.A., LL.D., Professor of Economics

CoMSTOCK, GEORGE Cary, Sc.D., LL.D., Professor of Astronomy, Emeritus

CooL, CHARLES DEAN, PA/.D., Associate Professor of Spanish

Coon, LELAND AvErRY, B.A., Associate Professor of Music

Cow Less, May Louise, M.S., Assistant Professor of Home Economics

CRANE, FRANK DouGALL, M.A., Assistant Professor of English, Extension Division

CREAMER, JOHN JosEPH, B.A., LL.B., Assistant Professor of English, Milwaukee
Extension Center

CRONIN, KATHERINE LucILE, M.A., Assistant Professor of Physical Education

CURRAN, CARLETON EpGar, P/.D., Lecturer in Forest Products

DANIELS, FARRINGTON, PA.D., Professor of Chemistry

Davis, EDWARD MANNING, M.F., Lecturer in Forest Products

Davis, FREDERICK ALLISON, M.D., Professor of Ophthalmology

Davis, IRA CLEVELAND, B.A., Assistant Professor in the Teaching of Science

Davis, JOHN JEFFERSON, B.S., M.D., Curator of the Herbarium

Davis, Mrs. WINIFRED LEMON, M.A., Assistant Professor of Library Science

DAWSON, FRANCIS Murray, M.C.E., Professor of Hydraulic Engineering

Dawson, Percy MILLarpD, B.A., M.D., Associate Professor of Physiology

DEAN, CHARLES LYMAN, M.E., Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Exten-
sion Division

DE LANCEY, DE Vaux, M.A., Lecturer in French

DELWICHE, EDMOND JosEPH, M.S., Professor of Agronomy, in charge of Ashland,
Spooner, and Peninsular Branch Experiment Stations

DENNE, HELEN IRENE, B.A., R.N., Director of the School of Nursing, Professor of

DENNISTON, Mrs. HELEN Dosson, M.D., Assistant Professor of Physical Education

DENNISTON, ROLLIN HENRY, PA.D., Assistant Professor of Botany

Dickson, CAMPBELL, PA.B., J.D., Assistant Professor of Physical Education; Adviser
in Experimental College

DIcKsoNn, JAMES GEERE, P/.D., Professor of Plant Pathology (on leave II)

DopcGE, BERNICE FRANCES, M.S., Associate Professor of Home Economics

DopceE, RoBERT ELKIN NEIL, M.A., Professor of English

DoERING, HELMUTH REINHOLD, B.A., M.B.A., Assistant Professor of Business Admin-
istration, Extension Division

DONALD, JOHN SWEET, B.S., D.D.S., Extension Specialist in Agricultural Economics

Dorn, WALTER Lewis, P/.D., Assistant Professor of History

DorRANS, JAMES MORGAN, Superintendent of Machine Shops, Assistant Professor of
Mechanical Practice

DowNneER, GEORGE Forpb, B.L., Associate Professor of Physical Education, Director of
Athletic Publicity

DuDLEY, WILLIAM HENRY, B.A., Assistant Librarian

DuFFEE, FLloyp WALDo, B.S., Professor of Agricultural Engineering

DucGGar, BENJAMIN MINGE, P/.D., Professor of Botany and Plant Pathology

EASTMAN, IRENE BELLE, B.M., Assistant Professor of Music

EDGERTON, ALANSON HArRISON, Ph.D., Professor of Guidance, Director of Vocational

EDSALL, BrEssIE Eva, PA.M., Assistant Professor of History, Extension Division