Calendats* === ~~ <~- ~~~ oe
The Regents and the Board of Visitors
Administrative -Omdere ot 89ers a ee eee
Standing Committees of the University Faculty
Instructional and Administrative Staffs
Fellows and Scholars
Public Lectures


History and Government _........-oc««<<«eeeuense~ dee 90
Publications of the University
The Campus
BiDTOTICS . ..- ne eseccenndendccsnesue ee ee ee
Courses and Degrees _......---- seh set stoideaubil Jeoiewadd gi a2
General Academic Requirements
Honors and Prizes
Shudent EXpense .... Uc eun wee umenenauusecs7 7
University Charges—Fees and Tuition
Self-Support ____ co en nee neenecnceunnu SOL9umIEdL 20 Side
Summary of Expenses 2.25.00 4.4 4as5ess sce
Loan Funds and Undergraduate Scholarships
Room afid Board _____ 9 Raa Te eee eee
Dormitories for Women
Dormitories for Men
Student. Life oo ee ee eee
Faculty Supervision
SEUGONT FLORIEN is wtue vspiinue w alte mo eee is ee ee
Student. Government... a
Societies and Publications


Entrance Requirements
General Requirements
Spectal Requirements {220262225 230 oe ee he Bee ead Sees
Advised Grouping of Preparatory,Subjects: 5 essen see 9 eet
Foreign Tanguiage: 222-2 === ie ae D8 pa cciptel cece se OP Sop apd boonies
Freshman ‘Period * 32 2252 be ee po rt ee ee

Methods’ of Admission’: 2222 |<< 2525-6 ee ee eee ee Ae
Admission upon ‘Certificate: = 2802)". 222 ete Ae ee
Admission ‘with’ Advanced Standing: .2..--------+ 2 - ==, .6e
Admission’ ‘upon’ BPxamination® 22 == - 2-242) 222+ ee
Admission on the Adult Special Basis ~~ .,.:.0.4060-seesh- i eieoes
Scope of Preparatory Work” ..-=-~-~<-~=-- upon) dnmeieeterd-nes

