are sent to the student from the University to be set up in his own home.
In other cases special arrangements are made for short periods of labora-
tory practice at Madison. In some studies local branch laboratories are
established where local students may receive special instruction as the
correspondence course proceeds.


1. Persons who have had the required preparation for admission to
the University will, upon the satisfactory completion of a correspondence-
study course designed for credit, have their grades permanently filed in the
Recorder’s office until the student has satisfactorily completed one year of
study in residence. When all the requirements are satisfied, the correspond-
ence-study records may be transferred to the Registrar’s office and applied
toward graduation.

2. The maximum credit granted for work done by correspondence
study, however, may not exceed one-half the number of credit hours re-
quired for graduation.

3. At the completion of each correspondence-study course for univer-
sity credit, the student shall pass an examination held under the direction
of the instructor giving such course, or supervised by some one designated
by the University for that purpose.

4. Work taken for credit may not be done by any student while in
attendance at any institution of learning. In the event a correspondence
student has not fully completed a course upon which he has been working,
at the time of registration for residence study, a suspension of instruction
in that course may be granted. When the suspension of instruction is
granted, all advance assignments in the hands of the student must be
returned to the Recorder’s office.

5. In special cases credit may be allowed for correspondence-study

courses of preparatory grade to satisfy partial entrance requirements to
the University.