The State Legislature has provided the sum of $50,000 for the promo-
tion of research in the University. The President of the University has
appointed a University Research Committee to receive information concern-
ing projects of research for which special aid is needed and for which ade-
quate funds are not now available from any other source.


To promote interest in problems of scholarship and investigation and
for training in the presentation of results, numerous voluntary clubs and
societies have been established by instructors and students in the Graduate
School. Among these are Sigma Xi, Classical Club, Language and Litera-
ture Club, Historical Conference, Romance Language Club, Education Club,
German Journal Club, Chemical Club, Biological Club, Mathematical Club,
Mining Club, University of Wisconsin Branch of the American Institute of
Electrical Engineers, Wisconsin Section of the American Chemical Society,
University of Wisconsin Section of the American Electro-Chemical Society.

The Graduate Club, while sharing in these purposes, is primarily a
social organization for the promotion of acquaintance and good fellowship
among graduate students and members of the faculty.

The University Club, a local organization of college alumni, maintains
a well-equipped clubhouse near the university grounds and the privileges of
this house, including its lodging and restaurant facilities, are open to men
graduate students, who may become associate members of the club.

The College Women’s Club maintains, at 12 East Gilman Street, a elub-
house where facilities are available to all women graduate students.

The men’s and women’s gymnasiums are open to graduate students
upon payment of a locker and laundry fee of $2 per semester.

See page 7.


With the exception of honorary fellows and honorary scholars, all uni-
versity fellows and scholars are required to pay the general fee.

For the purpose of promoting higher scholarship and research the
Regents of the University have established forty-five university fellow-
ships of the annual value of $750 each. These are allotted to the several
departments of instruction as follows:

To the College of Letters and Science, twenty-seven, as follows: One
each to botany, comparative literature, education, geology, German, Greek,
Latin, mathematics, philosophy, physics, political science, psychology,
Romance languages, zoology; four each to economics and history; two to
sociology; and three to chemistry. To the College of Agriculture, twelve, as
follows: One each to agricultural bacteriology, agricultural chemistry,
agricultural economies, plant pathology, genetics, and home economics; and
six to sociology; open to all students in the College of Agriculture, regard-
less of major field. To the College of Engineering, three, as follows: One
each to chemical engineering, electrical engineering, structural engineering.