The School of Nursing of the University of Wisconsin is organized in
association with the Medical School of the University and with the State of
Wisconsin General Hospital. The coordinating committee of the school is
composed of the Dean of the Medical School, the Superintendent of the Hos-
pital, and the Director of the School, who has charge of the immediate
administration. ‘There is close affiliation between the school and other
departments of the University. In the field of public health nursing the
school has the cooperation of the Bureau of Public Health Nursing of the
State Board of Health.

The aims of the school are:

1. To give adequate training in the sympathetic care of the sick.

2. To promote academic education as an aid to professional ex-

8. To stimulate advanced training and research in special fields
of work within the realm of nursing.


For matriculation in the School of Nursing a student must furnish
evidence that she has satisfied the general requirements for admission to
the University, as stated under Part III, Admission, page 33.

Students desiring to enter either the three-year or a five-year combined
course are requested to communicate with the Registrar of the University,
and for more specific details regarding these courses with the Director of
the School of Nursing, University of Wisconsin.


During the period of pre-professional training, the minimum for which
is one semester, the student is subject to the same conditions as other stu-
dents in the University and must provide for her room, board, and inci-
dental expenses and pay the usual general and laboratory fees. For the
required semester of pre-professional work in the three-year course the
laboratory fees amount to $25.00. This makes the total laboratory and
other fees for residents of Wisconsin $45.50. The non-resident tution fee is
$100.00 per semester. Board and room cost from $10.00 per week upwards
for 16 weeks, making a total expense of about $200, in addition to laundry,
clothing, and various incidentals. During the period of resident profes-
sional instruction no fees are charged, and room, board, and laundry are
furnished the students.

A detailed discussion of student expense, including university charges,
loan funds and scholarships, self-support, etc., may be found on page 15.