Upon notification that they have been accepted as students of the
School, applicants are required to pay a registration fee of $5, which will
be applied on the tuition of the first semester. In case of the withdrawal
of the applicant before the opening of the School, the registration fee will
be retained to cover the expenses of correspondence, etc.

The Library Commission pays the railroad fare of students to and
from the required field practice.


A joint course has been arranged between the Library School and the
College of Letters and Science for those who are not able to afford the
time for four years of college work followed by a year of technical train-
ing. The joint course is made possible by a rule of the College of Letters
and Science which provides that candidates for the Bachelor of Arts degree
are allowed under specified circumstances to elect studies in other of the
university colleges and schools to an amount not exceeding 20 credits.

A regular joint-course student, in order to receive a B.A. degree and
the Library School diploma, must earn 130 credits, to be distributed usually
as follows: 96 credits by the end of the junior year, and 4 thesis and 30
Library School credits during the senior year. If the student does not
prepare a thesis, the 4 credits must be secured in the summer session. Ex-
cept for the thesis, joint-course students must devote the entire time of the
senior year to work of the Library School.

By properly arranging his elective studies and by carrying 16 credits
per semester for the first three years, a student can ordinarily secure both
the Bachelor of Arts degree and the Library School diploma at the end of
four years. If the student does not carry 16 credits per semester for the
full three years, the deficiency may be made up by work in the summer

If students elect the work of the Library School before they have se-
cured senior rank they are not exempt from the entrance examinations of
the School. Furthermore, it should be understood that the work of the
School is accepted for only ten college credits if completed before the be-
ginning of the junior year, and that 20 college credits are allowed for it
only if it is completed after the beginning of the junior year (the 20-credit
rule quoted above requires junior standing before its privileges may be

Students in other institutions wishing to enter the joint course with
advanced standing must bear in mind that the College of Letters and Sci-
ence requires 40 credits in resident study; attendance at the Library School
may not be counted toward fulfilling this requirement. Transfers from
other colleges with intent to take the joint course are best accomplished at
the beginning of the sophomore year. Arrangements for entering on ad-
vanced standing should be made through the Chairman of the Committee
on Advanced Standing, University of Wisconsin, and the Principal of the
Library School.