GOVERNMENT—The government of the University is vested in the Re-
gents, who possess all the powers necessary to accomplish the objects of its
establishment and to perform the various duties prescribed by law. The
Regents, appointed by the Governor of the state, include one member from
each of the eleven congressional districts, and four from the state-at-large,
of whom two are farmers and two are from the manual trades. At least
two of the members are women, and the President of the University and
the Superintendent of Public Instruction are ex-officio members. The Re-
gents appoint all administrative officers and faculty members, and all fac-
ulty rules regarding the government of students are subject to their

The university faculty exercises authority, subject to the approval
of the Regents, in all matters relating to educational policy, scholastic
standards, and, in general, the relation of students to the University. All
members of the staff of instruction with the rank of assistant professor or
above constitute the governing faculty; other members of the staff of in-
struction have a voice but no vote at all meetings of the university faculty,
with the exception of executive sessions. The faculty of each college, school,
or division is similarly organized for the purpose of administering matters
relating solely to its own unit of organization.


The University of Wisconsin Studies are published quarterly at
Madison and contain original papers by persons connected with the Uni-
versity. More detailed information regarding these and other publications
may be obtained on application to the University Editor.

The general series of the Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin in-
cludes the annual announcements of courses, both general and special.
Copies of the special announcements of the various sehools and colleges
may be obtained upon application to the University Editor; the complete
announcement is reserved for institutional distribution and so is not avail-
able to prospective students. The University Directory, containing names,
classifications, and addresses of students and staff members, is published
annually in November; copies are mailed by the Information Office upon
receipt of thirty-five cents in stamps.

The high-school series, comprising a number of manuals designed to
assist secondary school teachers in the subjects of the high-school cur-
riculum, is published by the Committee on High-School Relations.

From the Washburn Observatory are issued the Publications of Wash-
burn Observatory; from the Agricultural Experiment Station, bulletins
and annual reports; and from the office of the Farmers’ Institute, the
Wisconsin Farmers’ Institute Bulletin.