The Wisconsin Union is the organization of all men and women stu-
dents, created to operate the new Memorial Union Building and to provide
a cultivated social program and a common life for its student, faculty, and
alumni members. Its chief component parts are the Men’s Union, repre-
senting the men of the university, and the Women’s Self-Government Asso-
ciation, representing the women.

The central governing body of The Wisconsin Union is the Union
Council, consisting of eight men and women student members and six
alumni and faculty members, all elected or appointed by the bodies of
Union members they respectively represent. Assisting the Union Council
are twelve house committees, planning for and controlling the several de-
partments of the house: commons, library, program, women’s affairs, grad-
uate activities, ete.

The Wisconsin Union is an experiment not only in the integration of
a diverse student population and in the enrichment of the hours outside. the
classroom, but also an experiment in student self-government and: self-


Every male student in the University is ipso facto a member of the
Men’s Union. Where Wisconsin men are concerned, the Men’s Union: is
concerned; consequently it tries to set up in a subtle way, a set of stand-
ards by which the quality of a man at Wisconsin is to be judged, arid tries
to make it possible for a man to live a full-rounded man’s life at the Uni-
versity. Among the more external agencies of which the Union. avails itself
to accomplish its purposes are: student dances, a winter sports program,
the water pageant known as “Venetian Night”, a community chest, a con-
cert series which brings the leading musical artists of the world to Madison,.
and theatrical performances by such artists as the New York Theatre Guild.

The two formal units in the executive machinery of the Men’s Union
are the Union Board and the Men’s Union Assisting Staff. The Union
Board is the board of directors of the Men’s Union, and it chooses: the
president and the other officers of the Union from among its own number;
the Board is elected by the male members of the student body. The as-
sisting staff supplements the Board in carrying out the principal activities
of the Men’s Union; its members are chosen by the Board on the basis of
thet effort, interest, and performance during a period spent as candidates in
tel performing routine tasks.


Every woman student in the University is ipso facto a member of the
W.S.G. A. The object of the Association is, in its own words, “To regu-
late all matters pertaining to the student life of its members which do not
fall under the jurisdiction of the Faculty; to further in every way the
spirit of unity among the women of the University; to increase their sense
of responsibility toward each other; and to be a medium by which the social
standards of the University can be made and kept high.” Each dormitory,
each sorority house, and each lodging house where more than three girls
reside, has one or more representatives on the board.