approximates closely commercial conditions and cooperates extensively with
the various manufacturing establishments in testing out its researches on a
commercial basis. The technical investigations of the laboratory are as
follows: (1) Mechanical Properties of Wood. Investigations on strength,
stiffness, hardness, and other mechanical properties of commercial woods;
effect of treatments on strength; tests on fabricated materials and manu-
factured articles; the development of grading rules for structural timbers;
and aircraft studies. (2) Shipping Containers. Study of containers and
methods of packing; details of balanced construction; efficiency of metal
straps and wires; designs and specifications. (3) Seasoning. Determina-
tion of best methods of air drying and kiln drying; design and operation of
dry kilns; studies of commercial kilns; physical properties of wood. (4)
Studies of fundamental phenomena especially the movement of fluids
through wood and their static relations; modification of properties and re-
duction of shrinkage. (5) Plywood, Glues, and Laminated Stock. Study
of plywood manufacturing problems; strength and design of plywood; de-
velopment and improvement of glues; analysis of glue compounds; study of
new uses for laminated construction in commercial work. (6) Wood Tech-
nology. Identification of wood, the effect of growth conditions on the
structure of wood; and the relation of the structure of wood to its proper-
ties. (7) By-products and Chemical Studies. Researches on the methods
of production and utilization of by-products such as alcohol, turpentine,
rosin, acetate, etc., obtained from various forms of wood and wood waste.
(8) Pulp and Paper. The suitability of woods for pulp, paper, and fibre
Specialties; studies in the chemistry and engineering of pulping and paper
making processes; chemical and physical studies of pulps. (9) Researches
on fungi which attack structural timbers with investigations aimed at prac-
tical means of prevention; the efficiency of various wood preserving pro-
cesses and preservatives. (10) Technical Studies of Wood-using Industries.
Study of the economic utilization of wood with a view to eliminating waste;
lumber grades and specifications; methods of measuring, manufacturing
and marketing logs, lumber, small dimension stock; development of uses of

OTHER LABORATORIES. The Hydraulic Testing laboratories are de-
scribed on page 243, the Electrical laboratories on page 255, and the Chem-
ical Engineering laboratories on page 260. Mechanical engineering stu-
dents are required to do work in each of these laboratories.