The University of Wisconsin has for many years provided technical
and professional training for teachers of special subjects such as agricul-
ture, home economics, physical education, and industrial and applied arts.

The courses in agriculture and in home economics are given in the Col-
lege of Agriculture. Students who are planning to teach these subjects,
and to qualify for the University Teachers’ Certificate, should register an
the School of Education at the beginning of the junior year. Detailed in-
formation concerning all the courses offered may be found in the special
bulletins of the College of Agriculture; the requirements for the teachers’
certificate appear below.

The courses in industrial education and applied arts and in physical
education are given in the School of Education of the College of Letters
and Science and are outlined on pages 93-102.


Only such departments and courses of instruction are here indicated
as are immediately related to the professional work of the School of Edu-
cation. The announcements of the several departments and colleges of the
University should be consulted for more extended and detailed information
regarding the courses of instruction open to students who intend to teach.


Students in the College of Agriculture who wish to prepare for the
teaching of agriculture in secondary schools must complete, in addition
to a major, the general requirements of the Long Course in Agriculture
and the fifteen credits in education required for the University Teachers’
Certificate as outlined below. The major consists of a minimum of fifteen
elective credits in any department of the College of Agriculture. Students
are advised to follow the elective list furnished by the Department of
Agricultural Education in order to have proper technical courses.

Students who receive the degree of Bachelor of Science (Agriculture)
and who have satisfied the following requirements are entitled to receive
the University Teachers’ Certificate and a license to teach issued by the
State Superintendent: (a) registration in the School of Education at the
beginning of the junior year, (b) the recommendation of the College of
Agriculture, (c) the completion of the following courses:

Educ. 31—Principles of secondary education__--.-..--~------ 3
Educ. 75—Psychology and practice of teaching___-.---------- 5
eae eee, 1 ee ecuration — 8 ve
Agr. Educ. 301—Program building in vocational agriculture.. 2

Agr. Educ, 302—Teaching of Agriculture ___.~.------------- 3