Agriculture. 2 ee ee ee 1—4 Mechanical drawing..--_..-2_.i.--2-- 1—4
Bookkeeping: 2202 -n LE S28 est e Ywy—2 Shop wwerke 6 eR PSS ie St ls 1—2
Commerciiiiaw... 22-22 2 4% Shop work and drawing-~-..---------- 1—4
Commercial arithmetic--_-_--......--.--. ¥% nae i 8 Sn, 1—4
Commercial geography _-------------- % History and appreciation_-_-__-------- 1
Business organization If taken in \% ‘neory. and narmony.*.... _..--.----= 2
Office practice the junior or \% \onaral meses ee Yy—1
Salesmanship senior year % eee ee ee Yy—2
Siete Ps ne ee Sere 2 ea ee eee ee ee NEE tS Y—2
Typewriting (only 14 unit if not combined Mppliedi musics S22 i Sve sisi eee lk y—2

With Shornand 2 hoi ac. tes os siocus yY—1 Optional (not including drill subjects such
Ddmastin arb eets. ost 6 432-2 cee ip 1—2 as penmanship, physical education, or
Domecticopeionte. 0. 22555 3 ha 1—2 insiienntrotae) ob. ese y—l1
Drawing, art, and design_-__---------- 1—4 *Not less than 2 units accepted.


COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE. For admission to the Short Course and
Dairy Courses, students must be at least sixteen years of age and must
have a good common school education. Candidates for the Winter Dairy
Course are required to have at least six months’ experience in a creamery
or cheese factory before being admitted.

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING. Students planning to enter this college are
advised to include in their high-school work the following subjects: 1% or
2 units of algebra, 1 unit of plane geometry, % unit of solid geometry, 3
units of English, 2 units each of science and history, and 2—4 units of for-
eign language.

Law ScHoou. Candidates for the degree are required to present for
admission the equivalent of three full years of work in the College of Let-
ters and Science. A limited number of students who have reached their
majority and who have the general entrance requirements stated above
and two years of college work may be admitted as special students.

LIBRARY SCHOOL. The numerous special requirements are given in
detail under the heading Library School, which see.

MEDICAL SCHOOL. Two full years of work in the College of Letters
and Science are required for admission, including the special subjects as
set forth in detail under the heading Medical School, which see.

Music ScHoot. The special requirements are set forth under the head-
ing School of Music, which see. It is advisable that such students should
include in their high-school work music courses listed in Group B above, as
outlined under “Scope of Preparatory Work”, page 46.


Students are advised to adapt their preparatory work to the course
they expect to pursue in the University. Attention is called to the special
admission requirements of the various colleges and courses and to the
recommendations regarding preparation in foreign languages. Students
expecting to go to the University and who are uncertain as to the college
in which they will take their work, are advised to distribute 12 of the 16
units of the high-school course as follows: at least 2 units each of mathe-
matics, science, and history; 2 to 4 units of foreign language; and at least
3 units of English, or 4 if less than 3 units of foreign language are offered.
Extra units of history, science, or mathematics should replace foreign

language if none is offered.