2. Students who, during their candidacy for a second degree, are en-
gaged in teaching, or other remunerative employment, will be required to
devote to their studies such period longer than one year as may be desig-
nated by the Graduate Committee.

3. The candidate must pass an oral examination upon the preliminary
training and graduate work offered in support of his candidacy. Subject to
the approval of the President of the University, the time and place of this
examination will be determined and the examining committee appointed by
the Dean of the Graduate School.

4. For students seeking to specialize in a definite line of study the
preparation of a thesis may be required and, subject to the approval of the
professor in charge, such thesis work may be elected by others. A thesis
offered in partial fulfillment of the requirement for a master’s degree must
be typewritten and bound according to specifications furnished by the Libra-
rian of the University, and before it is accepted must be approved by the
Major Professor under whose guidance it has been done. It shall be de-
posited in the University Library by the second Friday before Commence-
ment and its title, as approved in advance by the Major Professor, will
appear in the Commencement Register.


The degree of Master of Science in Engineering (the diploma to con-
tain a specific designation of the course taken as, for example, Master of
Science in Civil Engineering) will be conferred upon candidates whose un-
dergraduate work corresponds to that leading to the degree Bachelor of
Science in Engineering, as conferred by the University of Wisconsin, under
the following conditions:

1. The candidate shall satisfy all of the general regulations pertaining
to second degrees described in the preceding section.

2. The candidate must maintain a superior grade in his graduate work.

38. The candidate is required to submit a thesis giving evidence of ana-
lytical investigative work. The study may be of an economic, historical,
statistical, theoretical, or experimental type. The thesis must be typewrit-
ten, approved, and filed as specified under 4 above.
