








THE ART OF SINGING. 0-2 cr. The technique of tone production;
correct principles of breathing; the vocal organs and their action;
study of diction, English, French, German, and Italian; study of re-
pertoire to cover all types of song literature; stage deportment; en-
semble classes; recital and concert appearance. Fee $25-$45. Miss
Bergendahl, Mrs. Caster, Mr. Swinney.

struction. Fee $25-$45. Mr. Burleigh, Mr. Morphy.

ORGAN. 0-2 cr. Individual instruction. Prerequisite: A satisfac-
tory pianoforte technique, and some skill in polyphonic playing. Fee
$25-$45. Miss Eastman, Mr. Jones, Mr. Mills.

PIANO ENSEMBLE. 1 cr. Prerequisite: Piano major or equivalent
in piano playing ability. Assignments in practical accompanying of
the voice and violin or other instruments; violin and piano sonata
playing; four- and eight-hand arrangements of symphonies and or-
chestral works; two-piano compositions. Mrs. Carpenter, Mr. Coon,
Mr. Iltis, Miss McKitrick.

STRING AND WOODWIND ENSEMBLE. 1 cr. Prerequisite: Knowledge
of instrument played and reasonable ability. Study of string en-
semble literature, violin duets, trios, and quartets with and without
piano accompaniment; trios for two violins and viola, unaccompanied;
string quartet literature; string and woodwind quintets and sextets.
Mr. Morphy.

CLASS PIANO FoR PuBLIC ScHooLt Music Mayors. 2 cr. One hour of
technic in a class of eight, and two hours of piano in a class of four.
Required of all public school music majors. Basic principles of tech-
nic, scales, and arpeggios in all majors and minor keys; the complete
cadence in all keys; sight reading; simple chord analysis; correct
playing of folk songs, hymns, and the simpler choral literature, with
a view to accompanying groups; transposition a second or third up
or down; keyboard harmonization of simple melodies. Fee $45. 9,
10, 11, 1:30 MWF. Piano staff.

CLAss VOICE FoR PuBLIc ScHooL Music Magors. 2 cr. A course
primarily for those majoring in public school music and a prerequisite
to Course 82 for all such majors. The work is given in classes of
four meeting three hours per week and includes the fundamental prin-
ciples of voice production, correct concept of tone, interpretation, and
ensemble singing. Fee $45. 9,11,1:30 MWF. Voice staff.

ARTIST COURSE IN APPLIED Music. Yr; *er. Prerequisite: Gradu-
ate standing in Applied Music. Fee $25-$45. Staff.


See Scandinavian Languages, page 217.