Homer Vincent Craig, B.A. (University of Colorado) * Madison
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
On the simultaneous differential invariants of two functions with an
application to the calculus of variations.
Howard Irving Cramer, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) * Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
Organic Chemistry and Inorganic Chemistry
Catalysis by nickel of the reduction of various organic compounds with
hydrogen at pressure of from 20 to 400 atmospheres.
Jean Scobie Davis, M.A. (University of Wisconsin) Princeton, N. Jd.
Economics and Sociology
The development of labor management in southern cotton mills.
Allan David Dickson, B.S. (University of Wisconsin) ** Madison
Agricultural Chemistry and Applied Botany
A chemical study of soluble carboyhydrates and respiration in different
strains of Zea mays as influenced by temperature.
Herbert Benjamin Dorau, M.A. (University of Wisconsin) Evanston, Iil.
Economics and Agricultural Economics
The changing character and extent of municipal ownership in the elec-
tric light and power industry.
Walter Henry Ebling, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Madison
Agricultural Economics, Agricultural Journalism, and Geography
The distribution of gross farm income in Wisconsin.
George Konti Eggleston, M.A. (University of Wisconsin) Dallas
History, Political Science, and Economics
The number, care and disposition of the negroes by the Union forces
during the Civil War.
Herbert Pulse Evans, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Madison
Applied Mathematics and Mathematics
The two-dimensional boundary value problem for the transmission of
alternating currents through a heterogeneous earth.
George W. Filson, M.A. (University of Wisconsin) * Madison
General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
A study of autoidation of certain organic and inorganic compounds.
Alton Harold Finch, M.S. (Iowa State College) Hubbard, Ore.
Horticulture, Plant Physiology, and Plant Morphology
The physiology of apple varieties.
Marion Conner Ford, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Bowling Green, Ky.
Soils and Plant Physiology
Distribution, solubility, and nature of the phosphates in certain Ken-
tucky soils.
John Tilson Ganoe, M.A. (University of Oregon) Madison
History and Economics
Federal reclamation policies.
Meredith Bruner Givens, B.A. (Drake University) New Yor; No Y.
Economics and Law
Productivity changes in the iron and steel industry.
Elsie Gluck, B.A. (University of Wisconsin) * Madison
Economics,. Political Science and Sociology
John Mitchell: miner.
Donald Penrose Graham, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Seattle, Wash.
Physical Chemistry and General Chemistry
Promoter action in reactions of oxidation concomitant with the cata-
lytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
Frank Lester Gunderson, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Madison
Agricultural Chemistry and Medical Physiology
The vitamin B content of milk in relation to diet.
Edwin Michael Guyer, B.A. (University of Wisconsin) * Madison
Experimental Physics and Mathematical Physics
Magnetic permeability in high frequency fields.
Adolph Theodore Haentzschel, M.A. (University of Wisconsin) Madison
Philosophy and Psychology
The sources of assurance.