Steam flow measurement in the laboratory has been worked out with
the same ideas in mind as for air measurement. Steam flows through an
electric flow meter, a balance type of flow meter, a Pitot tube, a Venturi
meter, and several orifices and nozzles. By condensing and weighing the
steam, a calibration may be obtained for each method of measurement.

In the calibration laboratory, there are dead weight gage testers, vac-
uum pumps with mercury columns. Also there is a fluid pressure scale
with which gauges and indicators can be tested to pressures of 25,000 pounds
per square inch. Steam drums are used for calibrating inside spring indi-
cators under working conditions.

In the oil testing laboratory there are viscosimeters for determining
viscosity of oils at different temperatures, also equipment for determining
the flash, fire, and pour points. Many oils are tested both in the oil test
laboratory and in actual service in connection with engine tests.

There is also an abundance of equipment for making complete tests for
determining the economy and capacity of boilers, engines, and gas machin-
ery. This equipment comprises weighing scales, measuring tanks, pyro-
meters, thermometers, calorimeters, indicators, revolution counters, tacho-
meters, stop watches, planimeters, hydrometers, psychrometers, recording
gauges, reducing motions, gas meters, water meters, manometers, draft,
gauges, and gas analysis apparatus. The laboratory also contains a num-
ber of machines for special test purposes, and several steam injectors and
nozzles especially arranged so that test data may easily be obtained.

Gas ANALYSIS AND FUEL LABORATORIES. The work in gas and fuel
analysis is given under the direction of the Chemical Engineering Depart-
ment, and in their laboratories. The equipment there available provides
excellent opportunities for study of the methods of gas and fuel analysis
and the determination of heating values of fuels. Also, some time is given
to the study of boiler feed-water treatment.

TRANSMISSION LABORATORY. The equipment of this laboratory includes
a belt testing machine, several forms of transmission dynamometers, and
apparatus for testing hoists and screw jacks. Also, there are means for
determining the relative efficiency of various forms of shaft bearings.

MACHINE DESIGN. This department has a large collection of modern
working drawings furnished by representative builders in this country and
abroad, which are kept on file for reference by students.

A collection of kinematic models built by Schroeder and by the univer-
sity shops is used in the study of mechanism. In addition to these models
there are sectional machines consisting of pumps, valves, etc., used to illus-
trate the design of machine parts. For this purpose the regular shop and
laboratory equipment is also regularly employed, the students using this
machinery for mechanical drawing models and for comparison in design.

Tue ForREST Propucts LABORATORY is an institution of practical re-
search conducted by the Forest Service, United States Department of Agri-
culture, in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin, for the purpose of
studying problems bearing on the most efficient use of the products of the
forest and for disseminating such knowledge. The staff of the laboratory
cooperates with that of the University of Wisconsin in the courses of lec-
tures and researches outlined below. The laboratory offers unusual facili-
ties for research in the field of forest products and possesses very complete
scientific and technical equipment for this purpose. In its investigations it