In certain departments of the state government provision is made for
part-time service to be rendered by graduate students whose university
studies are in related branches of economics or political science. These
positions are filled through the State Civil Service Commission: to which
application may be made for further information.


Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Hollister, late of Madison, by separate wills
conveyed to the Regents of the University legacies, now amounting to
$10,328, for the establishment and maintenance of a fellowship in phar-
macy. The annual income of this sum is alloted to a graduate student upon
the recommendation of the Department of Pharmacy.


The Fritzsche Brothers Fellowship in Pharmacy of the value of $500
is offered by the Fritzsche Brothers of New York. The holder of this fel-
lowship is to do research work in plant chemistry with special reference to
the Monardas and related problems.

The Newport Chemical Company provides a fellowship in pharmacy
of the value of $1,000, the time of the appointee to be devoted to research
work along the line of synthetic new remedies.

The Du Pont fellowship in chemistry of $750 is offered by E. I. du Pont
de Nemours and Company of Wilmington, Delaware.

The Menomonie River Sugar Company provides an industrial fellow-
ship of the value of $700 a year.

The Wisconsin Utilities Association and the National Committee on the
Relation of Electricity to Agriculture provide a fellowship in Agricultural
Engineering. The value of the fellowship for the year 1928-29 was $2700.

The National Fertilizer Association of Chicago and Baltimore provides
a fund of $2,000 a year for three years for an industrial fellowship in Soils.


There are available in the Graduate School to non-residents of this
state, a number of so-called legislative scholarships, which pay the recipient
$200 per year, or an amount equal to the non-resident tuition fee. The
assignment of these scholarships is in the hands of a sub-committee of the
Graduate Committee of the University. A candidate for one of these schol-
arships should apply to the Dean of the Graduate School for an application
form and submit to that office a transcript of his undergraduate record, and
of any graduate work already completed.


The Regents of the University maintain twenty-two graduate scholar-
ships of the value of $250 each. Two of these are designated for economics,
one each for political science, sociology, European history, and American
history, and four for agriculture. Appointments to these scholarships are
made in the same manner as appointments to fellowships (see the rules
printed above). By special provision authority is conferred upon the facul-
ties of Beloit, Carroll, Lawrence, Milton, Milwaukee—Downer, and Ripon to
nominate annually to the faculty of the University of Wisconsin one mem-