WISCONSIN SCHOLARSHIPS—The Regents have appropriated the sum
of $5,000 annually for undergraduate scholarships to be known as the Wis-
consin Scholarships, consisting of 50 scholarships of $100 each. Applicants
for the Wisconsin Scholarships must be first-year students who can register
as residents of Wisconsin, who are in need of financial assistance, and
who show worth and ability during the first semester. These scholarships
are awarded during the second semester by the Regents upon recommenda-
tion of the regular faculty committee on undergraduate scholarships, to
whom application should be made.

May, 1917, the Madison branch of the American Association of University
Women made available a scholarship of $100 for a University girl, pre-
ferably one who has finished her junior year. In 1922 the amount was
increased to $200 to provide two scholarships.

AMELIA E. H. DoYON SCHOLARSHIPS—The will of Mrs. Amelia E. H.
Doyon, late of Madison, provided for a gift to the University of $5,000 to be
known as the Amelia E. H. Doyon Student Aid Fund. The income from
this fund is divided into two equal parts, designated as the Amelia E. H.
Doyon Scholarships, which are to be given to young women in attendance at
the University, to be selected by the faculty. In making this selection the
scholarship or standing of the persons selected and their need of financial
help are both taken into consideration. Neither scholarship is to be be-
stowed on any young woman who has not been in attendance as a student
of the University of Wisconsin for at least one year.

and Mrs. A. R. Hohlfeld established this scholarship in memory of their
son, Rudolf Libbert Hohlfeld, B.A., 1923, who lost his life on November 28,
1925, while engaged in geological survey work in eastern Peru. The reci-
pient of the scholarship is to be a young man of the junior or senior class of
the College of Letters and Science who is an able and promising student,
actively interested in athletics, and of strong, upright character. Other
things being equal, candidates majoring, or at least doing a considerable
part of their work, in geology are to be given prior consideration. A stu-
dent who has held the scholarship during his junior year may be reap-
pointed for a second year as senior. The scholarship at this time amounts
to $200 per year.

GAMMA PHI BETA SCHOLARSHIP—The Gamma Phi Beta sorority, in
1911, established an annual scholarship of $100 for women students, to be
awarded on the basis of scholarship and need of financial assistance.

KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA SCHOLARSHIP—An annual scholarship of $150 is
provided by the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority for the assistance of needy
and meritorious women students.

KOHLER FAMILY SCHOLARSHIPS—In June, 1927, a gift of $20,000 was
received from the Kohler family, of Kohler, Wisconsin, to endow two annual
scholarships to be known as the Kohler Family Scholarship for Girls and
the Kohler Family Scholarship for Boys. The scholarships are created to
encourage attendance at the University by deserving graduates of the pub-
lic high school of the village of Kohler whose intention it is to complete a
four-year course.