The School of Education forms administratively a part of the College
of Letters and Science. Registrants in the School of Education retain
their registration in the College of Letters and Science, or, in the case of
those qualifying to teach agriculture or home economics, in the College of
Agriculture, and receive upon ‘graduation the degree to which their col-
lege credits entitle them. In addition, upon fulfilling the requirements out-
lined below, they receive the University Teachers’ Certificate.

Students who complete the requirements of either of the four-year
courses in industrial education or applied arts receive the degree of Bach-
elor of Science, Industrial Education, or Bachelor of Science, Applied Arts;
and those who complete either of the four-year courses in physical education
receive the degree of Bachelor of Science, Physical Education.


For the purpose of encouraging advanced study and special profes-
sional preparation for teaching in industrial vocational schools, the Regents
have established four industrial scholarships to be awarded to senior or
graduate students in the University of Wisconsin. Each scholarship has
an annual value of $200. Appointment is for one year and is made upon
the joint recommendation of the Chairman of the Department of Industrial
Education and Applied Arts and the Director of the School of Education.
Additional information concerning these scholarships may be obtained from
the Chairman of the Department of Industrial Education and Applied Arts.


A supervisory service bureau has been established for the purpose of
assisting graduates of the University of Wisconsin who are teaching in the
state to make the transition from university work to classroom teaching.
The functions of the bureau are: (1) to provide information dealing with
the problems of the first two years of teaching; (2) to visit, on call, teachers
who have been graduated from the University of Wisconsin and who are
within their first two years of service; (3) to issue bulletins dealing with
the problems of teaching; and (4) to study continuously the training of
teachers in service, the difficulties of beginning teachers, their improvability,
means of improvement, etc.


A bureau of educational research has been established for the purpose
of coordinating and facilitating research in education with particular
reference to the public schools of the state. The facilities of the bureau
are available for use by graduate students majoring in education and
in allied departments and by superintendents, principals, and teachers
throughout the state. Bulletins and studies, reporting the results of in-
vestigations, are issued from time to time. (See bulletin of the Graduate
Division of Education, Psychology, and Allied Fields.) The work of the
bureau is in charge of a committee consisting of members of the faculty
of the Department of Education.