195. Pusiic UTILITY MANAGEMENT. II; 3 cr. Survey of management
problems of local utilities; accounting and statistical controls; eco-
nomics of regulated monopoly price, cost analyses and differential
rates; service and labor problems; standards of operating efficiency.
Prerequisite: Economics 142. 1:30 M, 1:30-3:30 W. Mr. Glaeser.

266. SEMINARY IN PusLic UTILITIES. Yr; 2 cr. Research investigations
in the field of local public utilities and transportation. Prerequisite:
Graduate standing or senior standing with consent of instructor.
8:30-5:30 W. Mr. Glaeser, Mr. Trumbower.


30. Economic Statistics. I, II; 8 cr. Sources of statistical data, tab-
ulation, charting, averages, dispersion, sampling, index numbers,
trends, seasonal variation, economic cycles, correlation. Prerequi-
sites: Economics la and major in economics. Lab. fee $1.50. I, lec-
ture, 9 Th; II, lecture, 1:30 Th; 4 hours lab. and discussion. Mr.
Jerome and staff.

31. Business Statistics. I, II; 3 cr. Elementary theory and technique
of statistical methods, with application to typical problems of busi-
ness organizations. Prerequisites: Economics la and registration in
the School of Commerce. Lab. fee $1.50. Lecture 9 W; 4 hours lab.
and discussion. Mr. Fox and staff.

130. SratTisticaL Metruops. I; 8 cr. The elementary principles and
technique of the quantitative method in the analysis of social and
economic phenomena: the collection, tabulation, charting, and numer-
ical analysis of statistical data. Prerequisite: Graduate standing.
Lab. fee $1.50. Lecture 1:30 F; lab. 8-12 8S. Mr. Jerome.

tative aspects of business cycles and the statistical methods used in
their analysis. Prerequisites: A course in statistics and upper-
group status or graduate standing. Lab. fee $1.50. Lecture 1:30
MW;; lab. 3:30-5:30 F. Mr. Jerome.

196. ADVANCED STATISTICAL TECHNIQUE. II; 8 cr. The technique of
numerical and graphical analysis, with particular attention to curve
fitting, sampling, index numbers, analysis of time series, and
measures of relationship, including partial and multiple correlation.
Prerequisite: A course in statistics. Lab. fee $1.50. Lecture 1:30
F; lab. 9-12 S. Mr. Jerome.

230. SEMINARY IN STATISTICAL RESEARCH. Yr; 2 cr. Co-operative re-
search in one or more economic problems, each member of the class
concentrating on a selected phase of the common subject. Subject
for 1930-31: prices. Reports on current developments in statistical
method. 7:15-9:15 Th. Mr. Jerome.

See also Mathematics 136, 137, and 238 for courses in the mathematics
_ of statistics.