Applicants for admission who have not been graduated from a sec-
ondary school may be admitted to the University upon passing entrance
examinations in the required number and kinds of units as specified above.
These examinations are given three times a year, in February, June, and
September, on the dates indicated in the calendar; no special examinations
of any sort are given. All candidates are expected to correspond with the
Registrar before presenting themselves for examination, and all must be
present at 9 o’clock on the first examination day. Candidates may divide
the subjects and take the examinations in two trials, but failure to pass
all the subjects in two trials will necessitate complete re-examination.
The Registrar will furnish, upon request, information as to the character
of the examinations.

In general, it is preferable for prospective entrants to submit to ex-
amination in February or June rather than in September, since failure at
the latter date may result in a sudden change of plans at the very outset of
the academic year.

These admission examinations are also open to high-school graduates
who may be deficient in certain subjects and who therefore are unable to
take full advantage of the certificate plan of admission.


Citizens of Wisconsin, twenty-one years of age or over, who do not
possess all of the requirements for admission and who are not candidates
for a degree, may be admitted to the College of Letters and Science or the
College of Agriculture upon giving satisfactory evidence that they are pre-
pared to take advantageously the subjects open to them. Such students
are normally required to select their studies only from courses open to
freshmen. If they desire to take a study to which only advanced students
of these colleges are regularly admitted, they must show special prepara-
tion or aptitude for such course. This privilege of admission is granted in
the College of Engineering only to students who are able, on examination,
to meet all the entrance requirements in mathematics or who have com-
pleted their preparatory mathematics in the Extension Division of the
University and present a certificate therefrom, duly approved by the chair-
man of the Department of Mathematics. The privilege of admission on
the adult basis is rarely granted in the Law School and then only to stu-
dents who can meet the regular entrance requirements of the College of
Letters and Science.

Candidates applying for admission on the above basis are required to
present to the Registrar in advance of their coming an official detailed
statement of their preparatory studies for evaluation and approval.

Students will not be admitted, save in exceptional cases, directly from
the secondary schools to the status of adult specials; nor will graduates of
accredited schools be permitted to enter as adult specials, since they are
required to qualify for regular matriculation.

Before beginning their third year, students admitted on the adult basis
must have fully satisfied all entrance requirements. When all entrance
requirements have thus been absolved, such students may continue work in
the University, will receive regular classification, and may be accepted as
candidates for a degree.