THE DEPARTMENT OF STUDENT HEALTH was initiated by the University
for the protection and adequate care of the health of students. Upon first
admission to the University, each student, including those in the Graduate
School, is obliged to undergo a medical examination for the purpose of de-
termining his medical and physical status. Based on the findings of this
examination, special recommendations are made to the dean of the student’s
college and to the Divisions of Physical Education and Military Science to
safeguard the interests and health of the individual.

Students are notified at the time of registration when and where to
report for examination and they must be punctual in keeping such appoint-
ments, assured that these take precedence over all class work. Excuses for
any class or laboratory work missed on account of the medical examination
will be granted in every instance. Where, in the case of graduate students,
teaching hours conflict with the pre-arranged time for the compulsory med-
ical examination, an immediate phone call to the Student Health Depart-
ment will secure for such applicants another appointment at a mutually
convenient hour.

The chief function of the service is to prevent illness in the student
population. In order to accomplish this aim, the cooperation of each stu-
dent is necessary, since the protection of the whole depends upon the main-
tenance of health in the individual. Whenever illness occurs, the medical
staff is ready to meet the need of the individual. Consequently, the prompt
reporting of illness works to the advantage of both the individual and the

THE AMBULATORY CLINIC, situated on the first floor in the east wing
of the new Wisconsin General Hospital, maintains an adequate staff of
physicians and nurses for the needs of all students able to report in person.
Hours for consultation are 8 a. m. to 12 noon and 2 to 4 p. m. on week
days, excepting Saturday afternoon, and 9:30 to 10:30 a’ m. on Sunday;
students are requested to observe these hours except in emergency cases.
A member of the staff will see or visit emergency cases at any hour with
an appreciation of the grave possibilities of minor illness. The early atten-
tion to each and every indisposition is encouraged.

THE STUDENT INFIRMARY, a modern hospital building adjacent to the
new general hospital, provides facilities for the care of students who are
confined to bed or who need nursing attention. It is desirable that all such
students avail themselves of these privileges rather than to remain in their
rooms, in order that they may receive adequate medical and nursing atten-
tion and that the spread of communicable diseases may be checked.

ABSENCE. Statements of absence from classes because of illness should
be obtained promptly through the Clinic or Infirmary as the case may
be. Application for excuses must be made within a week after return to

EXPENSE. The clinic is maintained by the University as a part of the
administration of general student welfare without expense to the student.
The infirmary is supported by $3.50 of the student’s general fee and
all necessary laboratory and nursing service is rendered without charge to
the student. Care of specialists and special nursing in individual cases
are matters of extra expense, and arrangements for them may be made
through the infirmary staff.