App. Arts 306—Organization and ad- Blectives in Bdueation:. 22.2222 lel 3-4
ministration of school art..__-.------- 3-4 App. Arts 100—Thesis~ -. 2. 2--s2 222252 2
App. Arts 100—Thesis_ ---------------- 2 Departmental electives __-_------------- 5-7

Departmental electives_------------ : 28 (308, 124, 180, 181, 132)
(307, 124, 182, 184) Pere OIC Gi Yess Gs ee sy Cg Sree’ 6-3

PpeRTCICCLIVES oo ee 5-2
16 16

The following subjects may be included as departmental electives by
students in the Courses in Applied Arts and in Industrial Education:

City Plan. 101—City planning and zoning 2 Physics 7—Photography_-_-._._--.------ 2
Econ. 6——Business letter writing-_------- 2 Home Econ. 8—House decoration__-_--_-- 2
Econ. 13—Marketing methods----_------ 2 Home Econ. 18—House decoration lab._-_ 2
Eeon. 15—Principles of advertising- - - --_- 2 Home Econ. 20—Elem. costume design _. 2
Econ. 16—Advertising campaigns-_------- 2 Home Econ. 94—Adv. applied design_._.__ 3
Hort. 6—Landscape gardening---_------ 3 Home Econ. 95—Weaving-_-______.------ 1-2
Jou 4—- ty poprapny =. ee 1

The following are a few of the general electives recommended for the
consideration of students in this course:

Art History—European art history ----- 2-3 POG. 120-—ANACOMY ee ie ee 6
Econ. 1a—b—General economies_-------- 8 Econ. 171—Employment management -_-_ 3
Sociol. 1-2—Introductory sociology _-_--_-- 6 Greek 122—Classical art__-............- 1-3
Econ. 122—Labor problems-_-_-_---------- 3 Speech 1—Fundamenta!s of speech- ____- 3
Psych. 1—Introductory psychology - -- --- 3 Speech 7—Publie speaking__._._._....-- 2
Psych. 115—Vocational aptitude tests____ 3


Professional courses for teachers of physical education and for direc-
tors of play and recreation were organized at the beginning of the year
1911-12. The course as it was first instituted was adapted to the needs
of both men and women in one curriculum, but as the scope of the field
developed, incorporating more and more of the informal side of physical
education, particularly games and athletics—the more natural forms of
exercise—there has come more specialization within the field itself. Not-
withstanding the fact that the formal side of physical education has not
been overlooked, and that the former course made ample provision for
the qualification of men and women to accept responsible positions as phys-
ical educators, the demand now in the educational field requires men to
be especially fitted to coach, direct, and supervise all forms of games and
athletics, as well as to teach the formal and corrective phases of physical
education. With these distinctions in mind as to the requisites for men
and women in this particular vocation, the faculty of the University has
approved separate and distinct courses for men and women, as out-
lined below, both leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Physical

Provision is also made for students who desire to do their minor work
in physical education in preparation for combining leadership in physical
education activities with academic subjects in the high school, for students
who desire a familiarity with the problems of physical education as a part
of their equipment as principals or superintendents in public schools, or for
positions as directors of social centers, and for students desiring academic
courses in physical education as a part of a liberal education.