views with community centers, civic clubs, farmers’ clubs, women’s and busi-
ness men’s organizations, parent-teacher associations, school and library
boards, and literary societies of educational institutions.


To meet a demand for group direction in serious study, the department
offers Guided Studies. A registration fee of four dollars within Wisconsin
and five dollars outside the state covers the cost of four sets of any of the
studies. This fee also covers the privilege of guidance and directed study.
For the accommodation of groups that wish to supply personal copies to
members, additional sets are supplied at the cost of production.

Among the subjects on which studies are now available are: Parental
Guidance and Education; Recent History of the United States; Browning;
Contemporary Drama; Contemporary Novel; Novel of the Nineteenth Cen-
tury; Shakespeare; American Diplomacy; Pan-Americanism; United States
and World Politics; Political Parties and Practical Politics.

Stupy ProGRAMS. Topical programs are available on Africa, Child
Nurture in the Home, China and Old Glassware, Modern Italy, and the Map
of New Europe; others are in the process of preparation. These programs
may be purchased outside of the state of Wisconsin at sixty cents for the
first copy, for additional to ten, fifty cents each, and thirty-five cents each
for ten or more; within the state, fifty cents for the first copy, thirty-five
cents each for additional to ten, and twenty-five cents each for ten or more.
In cooperation with public libraries and state library commissions, the
department aims to make the necessary reference material available to
study groups and to individuals.


Several compact and useful bulletins have been issued as aids to de-
baters, including: Debating Societies—Organization and Procedure; Prin-
ciples of Effective Debating; How to Judge a Debate; and Triangular De-
bating Leagues. As special aids to organizations, bulletins on farmers’
clubs, civic clubs, and parent-teacher associations have been published. The
Triangular Discussion League bulletin suggests a plan to encourage the
study and the intelligent discussion of great current problems not suited to
a two-sided contest, but rather suited to a general discussion which brings
out the many sides and salient facts.

FORMULATED QUESTIONS. The bulletins which formulate subjects for
debate, giving brief historical facts and arguments, concluding with a se-
lected, classified bibliography, serve as an impetus to careful study and
have proved helpful and time-saving. Such questions as the following have
been thus presented: Closed vs. Open Shop; Commission Plan of City Gov-
ernment; Initiative and Referendum; Municipal Home Rule; The Recall;
and Unemployment Insurance. These publications are sent free upon re-
quest to Wisconsin citizens, and, upon receipt of list price, outside of the

MIMEOGRAPHED MATERIAL, Cuttings for public speaking in schools and
for special programs, and also mimeographed articles not easily available
on Installment Selling, Compulsory Automobile Insurance, and the Direct
Primary, are available. The department will send lists to those interested.
