Students who elect to prepare for professional art, commercial art, or
appreciation by studio participation rather than for teaching positions, may
substitute for the 13 required credits in education, an equal number in
courses outside the Department of Industrial Education and Applied Arts,
but related to the profession selected by the students; this substitution is
subject to the approval of the departmental chairman. When added to Ap-
plied Arts 91, a two-credit course, these 13 credits complete the 15 credits
offered as substitutes for an equal number required for the art teacher’s
certificate. However, it should be distinctly understood that with the ap-
proval of such substitution the student sacrifices the privilege of being cer-
tified and recommended for teaching by the University.



First Semester

Engl. la—Freshman composition_______- 3
History or foreign language____________- 3-4
Mathematics, biology, or chemistry---__-_- 4-5
Departmental electives_________________ 5-4
50. Freehand drawing and perspective
3 er.
54. Clay modeling, 2 er.
Ta. Lettering, 2 cr.
Physical activity requirement__________- 0

Second Semester


English 30,.88; or 22 22025 Yee pe 2-3
History or foreign language_____________ 3
Drawing 1—Mechanical drawing_______- 3
Departmental electives______.__._-_.___ 3-6

55. Advanced drawing and
Anatomy, 2 or 8 er.

56. Elementary oil painting, 8 cr.

62. Elementary design, 8 er.

Engl. 1b—Freshman composition_.______ 3
History or foreign language_____________ 3-4
Mathematics, biology, or chemistry ______ 4-5
Departmental electives_________________ 5-4
51. Freehand drawing; light and
shade, 3 cr.
54. Clay modeling, 2 cr.
Tb. Lettering, 2 er.
Physical activity requirement__________- 0
Bngligh30, 28.00 2225456. soe 2-3
History or foreign language ____________ 3

App. Arts 18—Architectural drawing, or 3
App. Arts 57—Mechanical perspective

and architectural rendering. _________- (8)
Departmental electives__._......._____- 3-6

55. Advanced drawing, 2 or 8 er.

56. Elementary oil painting, 3 er.

Wrocd Glectl ves = rn ean ay Bes 4-1 62. Elementary design, 8 cr.
Physical activity requirement___._.____- 0 Fredeleétives i023 oa Sigh oS aioe 4-1
Physical activity requirement___._._.___ 0
15-16 15-16


Educ. 31—Principles of secondary

Departmental electives_____..__-._--_-- 7-10
60. Block printing and etching, 2 cr.
63. Artin industry, 8 er.
70. Art metal, 3 er.
71. Elementary pottery, 2 cr.
72. Design applied to industrial
products, 3 er.
Pred elécti¥es 01 8909 JBAtAVEG fo. 6-3

Educ. 75—Psychology and practice of
Geaehinge 5) tie), Pel ie stk, Fahey | 8 5
Departmental electives___._._...-.-_--- 7-10
63. Art in industry, 3 cr.
70. Art metal, 3 er.
71. Elementary pottery, 2 cr.
304. Primary applied and indus-
trial arts, 2 er.
140. Stage design, 2 er.
Free’ electives is Dis lribiG sd A ois 4-1