Otto Eric Toenhart, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Milwaukee
General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Food Chemistry
On the occurrence of copper in organisms.
Marguerite H. Treille, M.A. (University of Wisconsin ) Allier, France
French and Spanish
Conflict dramatique en France de 1823 a 1830 d’apres les journaux et les
revues du temps.
Helen V. Gill Viljoen, M.A. (University of California ) Madison
English and Philosophy
The first volume of John Ruskin’s Modern Painters in its relation to
18th and early 19th century thought.
Bryan Lewellyn Wade, M.S. (West Virginia University) * Smithfield, W. Va.
Genetics and Plant Pathology
Studies on the inheritance of fusarium wilt resistance in canning peas.
James Roy Wallin, Ph.M. (University of Wisconsin) * Madison
Economics and Law
Public ownership of electric utilities in Wisconsin.
Tsao Shih Wang, M.A. (University of Wisconsin) Kiangsi, China
Political Science and Economics
Disarmament in the foreign policy programs of the Great Powers since
Alice Farwell Warren, M.A. (University of Wisconsin) * Weston, Mass.
History and Sociology
John Cotton the Father of Boston.
Kenneth Merle Watson, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Parkersburg, W. Va.
Chemical Engineering and Physical Chemistry
The dissolution of granular solids in liquids.
Julian Hale Webb, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Anderson, 8. C.
Physics and Mathematics
Potential distribution due to a buried sphere under the influence of a
point electrode.
Virgil Roe Wertz, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Columbus, Ohio
Agricultural Economics and Economics
The estimated income from Ohio’s agricultural industry.
Lucy Adele Whitsel, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Madison
Latin and Greek
Studies in the grouping of words in Roman comedy.
Abraham: Hiebert Wiebe, M.S. (Ohio State University ) Fairport, Iowa
Zoology and Physiology
The productivity of fish ponds—the plankton.
Griffith Wynne Williams, Pd.M. (Hartford Seminary Foundation) Madison
Psychology and Education
Some quantitative determinations of muscular phenomena in the hyp-
notic state.
Earl Holden Winslow, M.S. (University of Wisconsin) Westboro, Mass.
Inorganic Chemistry, Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
A study of the action of dry and moist chlorine gas on certain metals
and alloys.
Katherine D. Kleuter Wood, M.A. (University of Wisconsin) New York, N.Y:
Political Science, Sociology, and Economics
The question of international regulation of migration.
Chao-Fa Wu, M.A. (University of Wisconsin) Honan, China
Zoology and Physiology
Cytological studies on the spinning glands of the larva of Galleria
mellonella: respective roles played by the nucleus, the mitochondria,
and the Golgi apparatus during secretion. :
Elaine Margaret Young, M.S. (University of South Africa)
Johannesburg, BS. Africa
Botany and Plant Pathology
Physiological and cytological studies in Monascus.
William John Zaumeyer, M.S. (University of Wisconsin ) Milwaukee
Plant Pathology and Economic Entomology
Studies on the bacterial blight of beans.