Masor. A minimum of 30 credits, including the usual studies of the
School of Journalism and, in addition, the departmental teachers’ course,
Journalism 370. Students combining a minor in English with this major
are not required to take advanced courses in English composition, English
2, 5, or 6.

Minor. A minimum of 15 credits, including at least the first semester
of courses 2 and 8, as well as course 370.

DEPARTMENTAL TEACHERS’ Course. Journalism 370. The Teaching of
Journalism. I; 8 cr. Miss Patterson.


Masor. A minimum of thesis and 27 credits, consisting normally of
Latin 6, 7, 107, 874, and 6 credits in reading courses of the 100-group.

Minor. A minimum of 19 credits, consisting normally of Latin 6, 7,
the first semester of 107, and 374.

DEPARTMENTAL TEACHERS’ Course. Latin 374. The Teaching of Latin.
I, II; 3 cr. Miss Guyles.


The Library School offers the following course for those who are quali-
fying for positions as high-school librarians:

LIBRARY SCIENCE FOR TEACHERS. Yr; 2 cr. The object of the course
is to qualify those taking it to assume, in connection with their teaching,
the supervision of high-school libraries, and to give instruction to high-
school students in the use of books and libraries and in the means and
methods of developing good habits and right tastes in reading. This course
does not qualify for full-time school library positions, but is for teacher-
librarians as required by the Wisconsin Statutes. Open to seniors and
graduate students, and to juniors by special permission. Miss Hazeltine,
Miss King.


MaJsor. (a) A minimum of 21 credits which shall consist of courses
5 and 6 (or 54 and 55), 112 or 113, and other courses numbered 100 or
above; (b) course 377; (c) a knowledge of solid geometry acquired in the
secondary school or elsewhere; (d) course 91 (not required) is recommended
as a desirable course for the junior year.

Minor. A minimum of 15 credits, including course 5a or 54, and ex-
cluding courses 7, 24, 136, and 137. It is understood that at least 6 of
these credits shall be earned in residence at the University of Wisconsin
with a grade not lower than B. In addition, course 377 is required. A
knowledge of solid geometry, acquired in college or elsewhere, is expected.

DEPARTMENTAL TEACHERS’ CourSES. Mathematics 377. The Teaching
of Mathematics. I; 3 cr. Mr. Hart.

Mathematics 91. The Content of Secondary Mathematics. II; 2 er.
Mr. Hart.