RIKER, ALBERT JOYCE, P4.D., Associate Professor of Plant Pathology

RILEY, MILES CHARLES, LL.B., Lecturer in Agricultural Economics—II

RITTER, GEORGE JOSEPH, P/.D., Lecturer in Forest Products

ROARK, RAYMOND JEFFERSON, M.S., Associate Professor of Mechanics

ROBERTS, RAY HARLAND, PA.D., Professor of Horticulture

ROCKWELL, ETHEL THEODORA, B.A., Chief of the Bureau of Dramatic Activities and
Assistant Professor of Speech, Extension Division

ROE, FREDERICK WILLIAM, P/.D., Litt.D., Professor of English

ROEBUCK, JOHN RANSOM, PA#.D., Professor of Physics—I; Research Professor—II

ROGERS, SAMUEL GREENE ARNOLD, M.A., Associate Professor of French, a in
Experimental College


Ross, EDwarD ALSworTH, PA/.D., LL.D., Professor of Sociology

ROTH, WILLIAM Epwarp, P/.D., Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Milwaukee Ex-
tension Center

ROWLANDS, WALTER AuGustus, B.S., Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering,
Assistant State Leader of County Agricultural Representatives

RUNDELL, OLIVER SAMUEL, LL.B., Professor of Law, in charge of Law School pro

RuPEL, IsAAcC WALKER, M.S., Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry (on leave IL)

RUSSELL, HARRY LUMAN, PA/.D., Dean of the College of Agriculture, Director of the
Agricultural Experiment Station and of Agricultural Extension

Russo, JOSEPH Louis, P/.D., Associate Professor of Italian

RYAN, HEBER HINps, M.A., Principal of the Wisconsin High School, Associate Pro-
fessor of Education

SAMMIS, JOHN LANGLEY, P/.D., Associate Professor of Dairy Husbandry

SANBORN, JOHN BELL, P/.D., Lecturer in Law

SAUNDERS, LAURANCE JAMES, M.A., Associate Professor of History, Adviser in Ex-
perimental College

SAUTHOFF, AuGusT, B.S., M.D., Clinical Associate in Neuropsychiatry

SAUTHOFF, Mrs. Mary BLAKELIDGE, M.D., Clinical Associate in Neuropsychiatry

SCHENCK, WILLARD JOHN, B.A., C.P.A., Assistant Professor of Business Administration,
Extension Division

SCHLATTER, EDWARD BUNKER, P/.D., Professor of Romance Languages, Extension

SCHLICHER, JOHN JAcos, PA/.D., Assistant Professor of Latin

SCHMIDT, ERNsT ALBERT, M.D., Assistant Professor of Radiology

SCHMIDT, ERWIN RupoLpH, B.A., M.D., Professor of General Surgery

SCHNAITTER, MARION REXFORD, M.A., Associate Professor of Economics, Milwaukee
Extension Center

SCHUETTE, HENRY AucustT, PA.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry

SCHUMM, HERMAN Cuar es, B.S., M.D., F.A.C.S., Associate Professor of Orthopedic

ScoTT, ALMERE Louisz, B.A., Director, Department of Debating and Public Discus-
sion, Extension Division

SCOTT, WILLIAM AMASA, P/.D., LL.D., Professor of Economics

SEEVERS, MAURICE HARRISON, P/.D., Assistant Professor of Pharmacology (on leave I)

SELLERS, JAMES LEE, PA/.D., Assistant Professor of History (on leave I)

SELLERY, GEORGE CLARK, Ph. D., LL.D., Dean of the College of Letters and Science,
Professor of History

SEVRINGHAUS, ELMER Loults, M.A., M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine

SHARP, FRANK CHAPMAN, PA/.D., Professor of Philosophy

SHARP, MALCOLM PirMAN, M.A., LL.B., $.J.D., Assistant Professor of Law, Adviser
in Experimental College

SHANDS, RUEBUSH GEorGE, PA.D., Assistant Professor of Agronomy—II