INDEX 697 
1057, Alexander II 1061—1073, Gregory 
VII 1073—1085, Victor III 1087—1087, 
Urban II 1088—1099, Paschal II io~— 
ii i8, Calixtus II 1119—1124, Innocent II 
1130—1143, Eugenius III 1145—1153, 
Alexander III 1159—1181 
Porto, 46; bishops of, 345, 380, 480, 491, 506 
Portugal, 33, 35, 37, 38; and second crusade, 465, 476 note, 482—483,
495, 512; king of, see Alfonso I (i,,z) 1139—1185 
Prague, 262; see also Cosmas Praxeda, former wife of emperor Henry IV, 
Remyslids of Bohemia, 21 
Preslav, 185 
Principate, see Salerno, and Richard 
Pronoia, 204, 207, zi6 
Prosouch, Byzantine general, 485 
Provence, 71; Arabs in, 46, 51; seamen 
from, ~z; crusaders from, on first crusade, 
272, 274, 275, 279, 297, 330, 353, 374, 
395; on crusade of iioi: 355, 358; in 
Syria, 413; on second crusade, 487, 506; 
marquis of, 234 
Provins, 236 
Prudentius, Spanish theologian, 70 
Psellus, see Michael Psellus 
Pyramus river, or Jeyhan, 301 
Pyrenees mountains, 31, 33, 34, 39, 41 
Qadi; qatii (Arabic, magistrate), xxvi, 84, 129, 155—156, i6~, 564,
580, 583 
al-QadmUs, 119, 120, 131, 460 
Qaimaz, Mujãhid-ad-Din, atabeg at Irbil in ii68: 525, 526 
Qais, Arab confederation, 87—88 
Qalcat ar-Rum, 527 
Qal~at ash-Sharif, citadel in Aleppo, I 14— "5 
Qal~at Ja~bar, or Dausar, 114, 462; ruler of, 452, 462, 525 
Qal~at Najm, 513 
Qara Arslãn, see Kara Arsian 
Qarã-Khanids, see Kara-Khanids 
Qarajah, see Karaja 
Qarmatians, or Carmathians, Bãtinite quasiMoslem sect, xxv, 84—88,
90, 104, 105, 
107, 151 
abu-1-Qasim, Selchükid of RUm 1085—1092: 
Qawurt, Qavurd, see Kavurd 
Qilij ArslAn, see Kilij Arsian 
Qiniq, see Kinik 
Qinnasrin, 415, 427, 434, 436, 437 
Qirkhan, see Kir-Khan 
Qizil Arslãn, see Kizil Arslan 
Quantum praedecessores, bull for the second crusade, 245, 246, 466—468,
al_Qulaicah, 119 
Qu~air, 434, 554 
Qutb-ad-.Din MaudUd, son of Zengi, Zengid ruler of Mosul 1149—1170:
516, 522, 524— 526 
Qu~lugh Abah, see Kutlug Abeh Qutulmish, see Kutulmish 
Raban, 299, 403, 415, 419, 517, 523, 533, 
Radelgis, duke of Benevento, 47 
Radi-ad-Din abU~l~Macãli, Assassin master in Syria in iz~6: 127 
Raduif, Cistercian monk, 472, 473 
Radulf of Caen, 275, 291 note, 333 note, 388 
Rafaniyah, 328, 426, 427, 434, 444 
Ragusa, 45 
Rahba, 169, 175, 394, 405, 450, 453, ~i6 
Rainerius of Blera, see Paschal II 
Rainier of Brus, 443 
Rainulf, cousin of Bohemond I, 270 
Ra'is (Arabic, prefect), i i~, i6~ 
Ralph, bishop of Bethlehem, 540 
Ralph of Domfront, patriarch of Antioch 
1135—1139: 436—437 
Ralph of Saintonge, 360 
Ralph Peeldelau, 285 
Rametta, 6, 
Ramiro I, king of Aragon 1035—1063: 37 
Ramiro II, king of Leon 93 1—950: 35—36 
Ramla, 77, 33!, 332, 340, 364, 365, ~75, 384, 386, 388; lords of, see Hugh
of Ibelin, Baldwin of Ibelin; bishop of, 332 
Rancon, see Geoffrey 
Rani, or Rugiani, Slavic tribe, 493 
Raoul I, count of Vermandois and Valois, 478 note 
Raoul Ardent, 348 
Raoul Glaber, French chronicler, 39 
Raqqa, 114, 121, 426, 459, 525, 526 
Ra's al-'Ain, 459 
Ra's al-Ma', 585 
R&s ash_Shaqcah, 33~ 
ar-Rãshid, son of al-Mustarshid, cAbbãsid caliph 1135—1136:
168—169, 458 
Rãshid-àd-Din Sinãn, see Sinãn 
Ratibor, prince of Pomerania, 494 
Ravendan, 302, 303, 325, 415, 517, 534 
Raymond I, titular count of Tripoli i 102— 1105, see Raymond of St.
Raymond II, son of Pons, count of Tripoli 1137—1152: 438, 439, 444,
533; and second crusade, 504, ~o6, 507; and Bertram of Toulouse, 515, 532;
killed by Assassins, izo, 535 
Raymond III, count of Tripoli 1152—1187: 
1152—1164: 536, 539, 54', 542, 546; 
captive 1164—1174: 524, 551, 561; 1174— 1187: 567, ~68, 572,
580—582, 584—585, 
592—595, 597, 598, 6oo—6o8, 611—615, 
Raymond, son of Bohemond IV of Antioch, murdered by Assassins, iz8 
Raymond Berengar (or Berenguer) IV, count of Barcelona, 483 
Raymond of Aguilers, 221, 238, 253 note; on the first crusade, 239, 272—275,
291 note, 321, 322 note, 323, 329, 333, 336