Murcia (Spanish), Mursiyah (Arabic): city — D4e3, I. 
Musul: city — see Mosul. 
Myriokephalon (classical), Chardak Boghazi (Turkish): pass — K4e1,
Nablus; Neapolis (classical), Nabulus (Arabic): town — Lif3, 6, 7,
8, i~.. an-Nahr al-Aswad (Arabic: the black river), Kara-Su (Turkish: same)
— L2e4, 
an-Nahr al~Auja~ (Arabic: the crooked river) — K5f3, 6. 
an-Nahr al-Auwali (Arabic: the nearer river) — Lifz, 6. 
Naisabür: city — see Nishapur. 
Naissus: town — see Nish. 
Namrun: fortress — see Lampron. 
Namur (French): town 36 miles wsw of Liege. 
Napa: village — see Inab. 
Naples; Napoli (Italian): city, port — G5d5, 2. 
an-Naqirah (Arabic): district south of Manbij — L3e4, 5. 
an-Naqurah (Arabic): hills along coast south of Tyre — Lifz, 6. 
Narbonne (French): town — E4d2, I. 
Narni (Italian): town 40 miles north of Rome. 
Nasibin: town — see Nisibin. 
Natura: unidentified town near Constantinople. 
Navarre; Navarra (Spanish): region of northern Spain — Dd, i. 
Nazareth; an-Nã~irah (Arabic): town — Lif3, 6, i~. 
Neapolis: town — see Nablus. 
Near East: region from Egypt to Persia and Turkey to Aden. 
Nederland: nation — see Netherlands. 
Negroponte: island — see Euboea. 
Neocaesarea, Pontic; Niksar (Turkish): town — L2d5, ~, 8. 
Nephin (medieval), Anafah (Arabic): town — Lifi, 6. 
Nesle (French): village 40 miles south of Arras. 
Netherlands; Nederland (Dutch) : modern nation, larger 
 than medieval Holland. 
Neumunster (German): town — F5bi, 2. 
Neuss (German): town — Fzb4, I, 2. 
Nevers (French): town 35 miles east of Bourges. 
Nicaea (classical), Iznik (Turkish): town— J5d5, 2, 3, 7, 8, ii. 
Nice (French): port — F3dz; i, 2. 
Nicomedia (classical), Izmit (Turkish): town — J5d5, 3, 7, 8, ii. 
Nicomedia, Gulf of; Izmit Körfezi (Turkish): gulf west of Nicomedia.

Nicosia; Levkosia (medieval Greek): town — K4e5, 3. 
Niksar: town — see Neocaesarea. 
Nile; Bahr an-Nil (Arabic): river — K3f4, 2, 3. 
Nlmes (French): city — E5dz, I. 
Nish (Turkish, Serbian), Naissus or Nissa (classical): town — 12d2,
Nishapur; Nishãpur (Persian), Naisãbur (Arabic): city —
P4e4, 4. 
Nisibin or Nusaybin (Turkish), Nisibis (classical), Na~ibin or Nu~aibin (Arabic):

town—M2e3, 3, 13. 
Nistru: river — see Dniester. 
Nitra (Czech): town — H4c2, 2. 
Nogent (French): town 7 miles east of Paris. 
Noire Garde (medieval): crusader castle — Lifz, 6. 
Normandy; Normandie (French): region of northern France — DEc, i. 
North Africa: region from Morocco to Libya, north of the Sahara. 
North Sea — i, 2.